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  1. Undegreed

    Tiger Woods is back!

    I thought past winners were automatically qualified. Is that not the case?
  2. Undegreed

    Now Playing....(Movies and Reviews)

    Agreed. I forgot i watched it until I read your post.
  3. Undegreed

    Artists/Crafters/Creative Projects?

    Technically the video never shows him actually jumping the rope. Great music MNBrian. I will have to relegate myself to just reading this thread because I don't have an artistic bone (or anything else) in my body. For me it's all parallel and perpendicular - columns and rows.
  4. Undegreed

    Rubbing salt in the wound

    It is indeed.
  5. Undegreed

    Now that the game is out of the way....

    I thought, in general, there was too much touchy-feely for the Super Bowl. I laughed at Dirty Dancing and the Vikings. Favorite was the Doritos commercial with the Peter Dinklage. What ever happened to Baby-Puppy-Monkey?
  6. Undegreed

    "Altered Carbon" on Netflix~

    I binged through 4 episodes yesterday before the Super Bowl. Definitely hooked. Now I've got to red the books.
  7. Undegreed

    Superbowl 52?

    Ditto for me. Except for the Jets part. I'm farther down the crappy team list as a Lions fan.
  8. Undegreed

    No one has seen this in a 150 years...

    Thanks for the heads up Doc. For those of you in the Front Range: It will begin in the Rocky Mountain region as the umbra touches the moon's edge at 4:48 a.m., NASA says. The peak of the blood moon eclipse is at about 6:30 a.m., and the moon will set shortly after 7 a.m.
  9. Undegreed

    Happy birthday AVB

    Happy Birthday Ray.
  10. Undegreed

    Cigarpass Book Thread

    Finished "Breakthrough" book 1 and started book two. So far the series is great. https://www.amazon.com/Breakthrough-Michael-C-Grumley-ebook/dp/B00BVFM04C/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?ie=UTF8&qid=1516110593&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=breakthrough+book&psc=1
  11. Undegreed


    In the southwest we call that a tortilla :p Sounds delicious.
  12. Undegreed

    Sunday at Stags in Colorado Springs

    I'll be working on a project in my garage if you want to head over and smoke the old fashioned way...in the cold huddled around a heater.
  13. Undegreed

    Cigarpass Book Thread

    Based on how much you read I doubt any of these will be new to you. - Just started "The Naturalist." Great character in Dr. Theo Cray - The "Atlantis Gene" was a good series. - Pike Logan...kind of a cross between Mitch Rapp and Jack Reacher - Nathan McBride - Will Robie - Oliver Stone - The...
  14. Undegreed

    Colorado Springs, and Area Locals

    Undegreed - Steve and since Jason won't read this unless I tell him to, Backslide - Jason
  15. Undegreed

    The Pancake Variations

    I love pancakes and eggnog so this really interests me. That said, I worked very hard to lose a bunch of weight and I'm still working on changing my eating habits. If I made these pancakes, it would result in a 3 day binge equivalent to sharks at a feeding frenzy.
  16. Undegreed

    Now Playing....(Movies and Reviews)

    I was in the mood for a 'B' movie and stumbled across "Zardoz" (1974) on Encore. Typical B movie stuff, but what intrigued me the most was that it starred Sean Connery and Charlotte Rampling. Check it out if you a B movie fan.
  17. Undegreed

    I was screwing in the garage

    I knew it was deceiving, but who would open a thread that was titled, "look where this screw landed?"
  18. Undegreed

    Cigarpass Book Thread

    Just finished Artemis. Great book. The author's style of writing fits perfectly with the way I naturally read. I'm not sure if that makes any sense or not. Another way to state it is that when I read some authors I have to spend time figure out the cadence and style of the author before I can...
  19. Undegreed

    I was screwing in the garage

    and I dropped a screw from up on a ladder. I couldn't find it anywhere until I looked here.