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  1. Undegreed

    Colorado Springs Trip 7/19-28

    Me, Jason (backslide) and Tim (MX). I'm currently trying to coordinate a colorado herf with Kendall (ilikefishes). Maybe we can throw it together when you're here. Stay tuned...
  2. Undegreed

    Now Playing....(Movies and Reviews)

    Got through 4 episodes last night and will pick it back up tomorrow. Anyone else excited about the final season of GOT?
  3. Undegreed

    Now Playing....(Movies and Reviews)

    I didn't even check it last night! I watched the first episode after the super bowl and have been waiting for the season to come out since then.
  4. Undegreed

    Now Playing....(Movies and Reviews)

    Agreed, on both. There are some really talented people out there. I'm curious, what's the genre? Adult Anime/cartoons sounds too perverted.
  5. Undegreed

    Daytona 500

    How can driving a car in circles be called a sport? (Drops mic and walks off stage)
  6. Undegreed

    What are you interested in learning

    I stumbled into a deal on a woodworking shop so I've been practicing for a couple of years. Last year a friend gave me an old lathe and I've been playing at turning bowls etc. I am always looking to improve my character via long looks in the mirror, listening to outside input and being honest...
  7. Undegreed

    Now Playing....(Movies and Reviews)

    I have watched all but the final episode of season 2 of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel on Prime. I'm not really surprised that this hasn't hit anyone's radar. I avoided it for a long time too. Every time I watch it I think of Boar and his love of Pin-ups. It's not just a show about a comedian doing...
  8. Undegreed

    It's Amateur Night!

    Agreed Doc. You don't have to feel drunk to be over the limit. If you go out and drink, then don't drive. Period.
  9. Undegreed

    Traveling to Denver in November

    It's in my calendar.
  10. Undegreed

    Making my own humidor

    I don't know for sure, but something doesn't seem right with this. Concrete is porous and has an odor. I'd be reluctant to store cigars in a concrete humidor without looking into sealants and knowing what chemicals are released during the curing process (which is years).
  11. Undegreed

    Traveling to Denver in November

    I'm open. What time were you thinking? We still need a place to meet...preferably indoors.
  12. Undegreed

    Traveling to Denver in November

    Ditto for me. I'm sure Ilikefishes and backslide will join if they're available. Maybe we can meet at DeLaneys...crap nevermind.
  13. Undegreed

    Best WiFi Extender

    I'm not a techie by anyone's imagination. I was having problems in my Mancave with buffering of Netflix and Amazon even with a wifi extender. So I went to Bestbuy and asked them what my options were. I ended up buying a gadget that uses the household wiring system as a network wiring. Something...
  14. Undegreed

    Does anyone practice Intermittent Fasting?

    I don't practice it anymore. About 20 years ago I overheard someone state that if you fast one day a week for seven years, then at the end of the seven years you will have eaten for free for one year. So I did it. I also fasted for three days at the beginning of every month for about a year. In...
  15. Undegreed

    A few thoughts about the "friendliest" cigar forum

    Twice during the evolution of this thread I started to add a comment and twice I backspaced through my thoughts and waited. I heard, firsthand, Tim's concerns on Saturday at a mini-herf. I was initially concerned that the forum was not getting the message and I wanted to chime in and clean...
  16. Undegreed

    So this happened... Again!

    Worst advise ever given to a husband.
  17. Undegreed

    Cigarpass Book Thread

    I've read a lot of Cussler's books but they have been off my radar for a while. I disliked the cameos because they pulled me out of the story.
  18. Undegreed

    Friend e-mailed me these cool Cigar Pen Photos

    I found a couple sites that sold them. They aren't inexpensive though. https://www.custommade.com/custom-faux-cigar-fountain-pens/by/delucaink/ edit: added web address
  19. Undegreed

    I'm A Parent Contest

    33 (today actually) years of marriage and this has never happened to me.