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  1. Undegreed

    Thought’s Dad Joke Thread

    Or Why do they call it PMS? Because Mad Cow Disease was already taken.
  2. Undegreed

    Thought’s Dad Joke Thread

    Yeah, I won't be forwarding those to the grandkids. 😉
  3. Undegreed

    Adventures in Orthopaedics!

    Glad it all turned out well...except for the cigar sabbatical. The Dad Jokes thread makes more sense now.
  4. Undegreed

    Thought’s Dad Joke Thread

    How many South Americans does it take to change a light bulb? A Brazilian.
  5. Undegreed

    Thought’s Dad Joke Thread

    Sunday is a sad day... But the day before is a sadder day.
  6. Undegreed

    Thought’s Dad Joke Thread

    Why do eskimos wash their clothes in Tide? Because it's too cold out Tide.
  7. Undegreed

    Thought’s Dad Joke Thread

    Yoda had a last name. It was Layheehoo.
  8. Undegreed

    Thought’s Dad Joke Thread

    Ba-dum-bum. Well played.
  9. Undegreed

    Thought’s Dad Joke Thread

    Courtesy of my grandson. Why can't a nose be 12 inches long? Because then it would be a foot!
  10. Undegreed

    Happy birthday Undegeeed!

    Thanks to all. I'm around most everyday. Read a lot and post little.
  11. Undegreed

    Happy birthday Backslide

    Who's Backslide? Is he even active anymore? Happy Birthday Jason.
  12. Undegreed

    Thought’s Dad Joke Thread

    Why do scuba divers fall backwards into the water? Because if they went forward they'd land in the boat.
  13. Undegreed

    1961 Partagas Habanero

    70 year old cigar?! I'm happy when I can get 5 years and elated when I get 10 years. Trouble is I can never find the right occasion to smoke them. Great review. Although I must say I really wanted to see a salute to talcum powder.
  14. Undegreed

    San Pedro cigars

    Well color me stupid. It's Don Pedro cigars, not San Pedro. Still, nothing I could find on them other than a website under construction. I happened to smoke Viaje DE II, shortly after I smoked my 2nd Don Pedro and the flavor profile is very close, with the DP being a little stronger.
  15. Undegreed

    San Pedro cigars

    Thanks for taking a look.
  16. Undegreed

    San Pedro cigars

    As requested.
  17. Undegreed

    San Pedro cigars

    Spent some time in the Dominican Republic recently and stumbled across San Pedro cigars. I had the Maduro, and it was amazing. It hit my palette perfectly. They're a little pricey but damn good. Has anyone else had these? If so, what are your thoughts?
  18. Undegreed

    10 H. Upmann Sir Winston

    Another great CC. Believe it or not, I've only smoked well aged SW...thanks to a Group buy with Jason and Gary.
  19. Undegreed

    Coffee and Lemonade

    Sooo... An iced tea and lemonade is called an Arnold Palmer. Is the coffee and lemonade called a Nancy Lopez? (Not hinting that it's a ladies drink - wink wink)