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  1. jayro75

    Happy birthday Jayro75

    Thanks guys for the birthday wishes. Got to spend some time with the family and even squeezed in a cigar despite the colder temps here in NY.
  2. jayro75

    The Kidneys and Left Nuts Official Pass Thread

    I think I can scrounge up a bunch of grape white owls and some acids for him.
  3. jayro75

    The Kidneys and Left Nuts Official Pass Thread

    :mad: I was planning on using this pass to get rid of all the N/C I have!!!:mad: 😝😂
  4. jayro75

    The Kidneys and Left Nuts Official Pass Thread

    I think it's a more than fair trade. I personally don't like Liga's but there is something to be said for the rarity of the Feral Pig in general. Couple that with it being an OR with 7 years of age. The Epi Especial has age on it's side but it is a regular production stick. Plus if I'm...
  5. jayro75

    What’s Your Latest Purchase - 2020

    At that price Im going to assume they aren’t the OR Franks from 2008. Those are extremely hard to find at this point and command big $.
  6. jayro75

    Today's Smoke 2020

    You can always use your perfect draw tool for that! 😉
  7. jayro75

    Adventures in Orthopaedics!

    Wow just seeing this. Didn’t realize that the V-herf was so dangerous. Glad to hear you’re doing well Nick. I’ll smoke a couple of extra cigars for you over the next 6 weeks.😝
  8. jayro75

    The Kidneys and Left Nuts Official Pass Thread

    I was figuring with age it would bring the price to around $100.... Until it gets to me that is! 🤪 Seriously though seems like a fair price assessment.
  9. jayro75

    What’s Your Latest Purchase - 2020

    Don't think the Mrs. needs to worry considering the trouble you have figuring out how to buy cigars on the interwebs!!! 😝
  10. jayro75


    I'm sorry but those reviews are painful to watch. I actually feel like I've lost cigar knowledge having endured 2 of them.:cool:
  11. jayro75

    The Kidneys and Left Nuts Official Pass Thread

    Surely you've heard of the Micallef Leyenda Special Edition! 😂
  12. jayro75

    Today's Smoke 2020

    Yes it is a Sobremesa Bulee Blue. It was not the most exciting cigar I've smoked. Very one dimensional to be honest. It also had some strange taste almost like it was dipped in sweet n low.
  13. jayro75

    Today's Smoke 2020

    Not typically a NC smoker but saw a ton of hype about these so figured what the hell.
  14. jayro75

    Michael Jordan CA interview

    He has said many times that he likes the Hoyo Double Corona which they smoked in the interview but also the Partagas Lusitanias. He's been seen on many occssions smoking Cohiba Esplendidos as well. I thought there was some fun/interesting stuff in the interview but for the most part agree it...
  15. jayro75

    Tubo Storage

    I store them exactly as they come. From my understanding and from experience the cigars age individually in their own closed environment which allows for deeper stronger flavors over long term. That’s my opinion but YMMV.
  16. jayro75

    Today's Smoke 2020

    It definitely could use more rest after shipping but I’m still really enjoying it. Quite a nutty cigar with some cherry undertones. Very nice smoke.
  17. jayro75

    What’s Your Latest Purchase - 2020

    2025 if you want them smoking at their best!! 😂
  18. jayro75

    Cuban ban

    You must be one of those soft as cotton Millenials I keep hearing about. Maybe you should grab a sign and start a protest about how unfair life is . 🙄