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  1. jayro75

    Did Anyone See

    You should've watched the USA v. Mexico soccer match which featured much better fights both on the field and in the stands.
  2. jayro75

    Am I too caustic?

    I was actually comparing him to the stapler! 🤪
  3. jayro75

    Am I too caustic?

    @stogie fan in real life. Kind of explains alot!!
  4. jayro75

    Life Advice- Best investments you have made.

    But did they help you last longer?? 🤣
  5. jayro75

    What’s Your Latest Purchase - 2021

    I’m not sure if I should laugh at that or be frightened that you knew where to find it! 🤪
  6. jayro75


    Cool... Send your guy to NY to collect from me... Good luck on that!
  7. jayro75

    What’s Your Latest Purchase - 2021

    Was thinking about the PL ‘07 robustos which I wish I didn’t smoke through all my boxes. The ‘09 SLR Pacificos were amazing as well!
  8. jayro75

    Review of "Quai d'Orsay 50"

    You mean like Imperiales and panatelas? Great cigars... Please school us on your experiences with them!
  9. jayro75

    What’s Your Latest Purchase - 2021

    Great cigars!! Those and the Asian regional robustos were amazing.
  10. jayro75


    Fair enough!! I’ll take his Don Candidos on consignment...😂
  11. jayro75


    The rarest in the world? Do me a favor and go away now... Trust me when I tell you that based on what you posted you don’t know what that actually means.
  12. jayro75

    Another Review Thread on Cubans? Really?

    The band on that Behike looks like it's a little low. I think it could be fake. Best you send it and a couple of it's friends to me for verification. 😂
  13. jayro75

    Happy birthday MOBIG

    Happy birthday Jesus! Hope you're doing well my friend.
  14. jayro75

    Checking In

    Sorry to hear what you're going through John. Just know that as others have said you have a large support group here. You can feel fee to reach out to me anytime if you need a friend to lean on.
  15. jayro75

    The Letters - Update December 21, 2008

    I had a shipment snagged by customs last August coming from The Netherlands. Tracking showed it awaiting clearance for months until the tracking link expired. Was waiting daily for a letter but never received one. I'm guessing there's a CBP agent enjoying some very aged cigars courtesy of me.
  16. jayro75

    COVID-19 vaccine, you getting it?

    There was a very nasty bug going around at the end of 2019. Was at a trade show in Vegas at that time that had a heavy international attendance especially from China. Towards the end of the show and afterwards lots of people I know had really bad flu like symptoms. I've heard through many...
  17. jayro75

    COVID-19 vaccine, you getting it?

    My Fiance and I got Covid mid March of 2020. It was a mild case for both of us. Being that we live in NY and it was the beginning of the pandemic it was impossible to get tested. We both knew that it had to be Covid since we lost smell and taste for a few weeks etc. It wasn't until around...
  18. jayro75

    The Kidneys and Left Nuts Official Pass Thread

    Pass is on it's way to @CgarDan. UPS tracking 1z1949140363633294
  19. jayro75

    The Kidneys and Left Nuts Official Pass Thread

    Going to ship it out tomorrow. Will post tracking and give u heads up when I do.