Recent content by stepthirteen

  1. stepthirteen

    Happy B-Day Anthony (tone-ny)

    Happy Belated Bday Anthony :). Jim
  2. stepthirteen

    Dgutermen check you PM here and OH.

    Dgutermen check you PM here and OH.
  3. stepthirteen

    Snorf : 1) an exclamatory word used when you think something is too adorable for words; 2)One...

    Snorf : 1) an exclamatory word used when you think something is too adorable for words; 2)One who speaks with a constant lisp due to his or her oversized lips
  4. stepthirteen

    In memory of Brian...

    I too had forgotten this! Just one example of his generosity. There were many more behind the scenes that is for sure :). Jim
  5. stepthirteen

    yes it does hurt!!

    yes it does hurt!!
  6. stepthirteen

    I had a Vasectomy :(

    I had a Vasectomy :(
  7. stepthirteen

    Blind Sided by CT Dept of Labor

    Walt, Sorry to hear this I hope they pull their heads out of their ass and cut your check soon! Jim
  8. stepthirteen

    Well I'm Back

    Welcome back sir :). Jim
  9. stepthirteen

    super glue? or other adhesive?

    Check Jackass 3D to see how superglue can be used perfectly :laugh:. Jim
  10. stepthirteen

    brock vs cain

    Just shows that superior skill dominated size and strength. He got his a%* beat. Jim
  11. stepthirteen

    Finally able to eat just a tad of regualr food. Man was this worst part of my surgery!

    Finally able to eat just a tad of regualr food. Man was this worst part of my surgery!
  12. stepthirteen

    First Stand up act

    PJ, Phenominal my friend!! You did a great job now can I please get my shamwow!! Jim
  13. stepthirteen

    Padron Family Reserve # 46

    What is the word on these? Are they anygood? Jim
  14. stepthirteen

    Happy B-Day Mark (markmarksman)

    It may be Mark's Bday, but when he was a women (Mary was his name then) before the operation he had a different birthday :). So happy new birthday my friend! Jim