Another Aussie cigar lover, yes Sir! I know that may not fit into the accepted stereotype, but we exist nonetheless. I know it is hard to believe, but instead of swilling cheap beer, I have a collection of fine spirits and wines (gasp).<br />
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My two gorgeous daughters and their lovely Irish mother keep me very busy and very happy (in that order), and to relax I retreat to the den, light up a cigar and put some jazz on the stereo (a solid state amp with a valve pre-amp at 18W RMS... yes, I am an Audiophile).<br />
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I collect (apart from cigars) vintage books. I am always on the lookout to add to my collection, and the good thing about collecting books over cigars is that once you finish reading a book, it is not a big pile of ash.<br />
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Blinded by Science
There has been some thunder from down under, yes.
Please, no bombing my ramshackle letterbox.
The vast volume of sea water between us makes it too expensive a venture. That, and I have few cigars with which to pay it forward with.
- Birthday
Jan 21, 1986
(Age: 39)
- Website
- Location
- Gender
- Male