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Newb in need of help


Newb Le professional!
Dec 8, 2008
Hello all,
I am retracting my post on this issue and I am asking for those of you here to please accept my apology for I will not conduct this sort of request again on a post only when I get to know people much better and after a year or so would I even remotely think of that, and It would be in private. My apologies for taking up time here on this. I again request your prayers. I will post pics from our visit, this was made possible through my wife's friend, who enjoys a good bourbon!


Ceasar Montoya
Ceasar, I am sorry to hear about your grandmother's illness and sincerely hope that she gets better. I also hope that you can somehow make the trip to visit her.

I am having a slightly difficult time understanding your request, though. Are you asking for folks to donate towards air fare for you and your wife?
As much as i want to believe you need help, this is a scam. I could be wrong, but i mean seriously? You have been here less than em and i have by no means gained enough respect to ask for a pair of socks!
If you do genuinely need help then I am truly sorry. I hate to criticize you in your time of need but I don't think this is the way to do it. If you are really interested in building relationships around here there a much better ways to do that than hitting people up for money, especially on a forum where you've only been a member for 9 days.
Hello all,
I know I havent' been around very long and very few know me but I can honestly say there is a true sense of comradarie here. After talking with my wife some, she didnt' think I should ask for any help from "strangers" but I told here I was working my way slowly to build relationships with people on here. She is part oa a Basset Hound BB and has built some solid relationships with people in all parts of the country. I am asking if anyone could help with a buddy pass for airfare, this would be a great help, My grandmother is very ill and after talking to doctors, and my mother and brother she may not have long left. She has been hospitalized 5 times over the past 6 months and each time has been ok for a while. The doctors have said that once or twice more in the hospital and that may be all she can take. I am a man of strong faith and belief that prayers can accomplish miracles. Yet I am also a realist, my grandmother has been living with chronic bronchitis for 12+ years and earlier this year she told me she was tired. I know maybe I'm asking too much, but to eat the cost of two ariline tickets right now is a bit steep for me and my wife. Any help would be appreicated with this matter. If you would like to contcact me please PM me and I can provide you my contact info. I ask for many prayers. Thanks to all in advance for your friendship.

In Community Spirit,
Ceasar Montoya

From what ive seen airfare is very cheap right now. You dont have relatives that can loan you money or have a credit card? Seems kind of strange asking for a handout for airfare on a cigar board that you just joined.

Edit to add: quote
You must admit, your wife was right. Did she ask on her basset hound board?
Whats dates are you looking to travel? And from where to where? Are you looking for plane tickets or cash?
Hello all,
I know I havent' been around very long and very few know me but I can honestly say there is a true sense of comradarie here. After talking with my wife some, she didnt' think I should ask for any help from "strangers" but I told here I was working my way slowly to build relationships with people on here. She is part oa a Basset Hound BB and has built some solid relationships with people in all parts of the country. I am asking if anyone could help with a buddy pass for airfare, this would be a great help, My grandmother is very ill and after talking to doctors, and my mother and brother she may not have long left. She has been hospitalized 5 times over the past 6 months and each time has been ok for a while. The doctors have said that once or twice more in the hospital and that may be all she can take. I am a man of strong faith and belief that prayers can accomplish miracles. Yet I am also a realist, my grandmother has been living with chronic bronchitis for 12+ years and earlier this year she told me she was tired. I know maybe I'm asking too much, but to eat the cost of two ariline tickets right now is a bit steep for me and my wife. Any help would be appreicated with this matter. If you would like to contcact me please PM me and I can provide you my contact info. I ask for many prayers. Thanks to all in advance for your friendship.

In Community Spirit,
Ceasar Montoya


Okay, so first off, to not look like a complete dick, I am sorry for your Grandma's condition. That is sad, etc... :rolleyes:

Now, onto being a "realist" like yourself, I present to you the following:

  • Your grandmother told you earlier this year that she was "tired." A prepared man and a fastidious man who knows his grandma-ma has been sick for X amount of years/months/what have you would be preparing for her departure. Due to the fact that she does not live near you, you should KNOW that at any moment, any time, you're going to have to fly out to get some type of transportation to go see her when "the time" comes. We have all been there... Most of us have been prepared, most of us may have had to borrow money from family members, but I can guarantee most of us did not go to our internet board for assistance.

  • You've been on this community for approximately 9 DAYS. Your situation is sad and all that, but do you really think that if a guy you met at a coffee shop 9 days ago came to you asking for half a grand for airfare for his dying family member, do you honestly truly believe that you would give it to him no questions asked? Would ANYBODY give $500 bucks to someone they met 9 DAYS AGO? No questions asked?!?

I'm sorry Ceaser, but really, after being here less than two weeks, do you really think it's a grand idea to come to people you've NEVER MET, and ask them for a handout?? I'm just so besides myself with shock right now... This stinks to me, and smells like a "smash and grab" scam.

If this all comes down the wire and you're grandmother is truly sick and you need airfare, that's fine if you hate me to for my brazen and outspoken opinions regarding you coming on here in less than 9 DAYS and asking for a couple hundred bucks to fly somewhere. For f*ck's sake, go to your local church and ask them. Or put it on a damn credit card. Or write a check. Or ask for an advance. I mean, if I needed emergency money, I'd go this route, in this order:

  1. Charge it to a credit card.
  2. Write a check.
  3. Ask for a money advance from my employer.
  4. Borrow money from a family member.
  5. Borrow money from a close friend.
  6. Borrow money from Josh!! :laugh:
  7. Go to my church and present my circumstances to the leadership.
  8. Suck it up and not go. Pay my respects later when I can afford to go out there.

You came on here, you introduced yourself to the community. Then, 3 DAYS LATER, you are on here promoting your "DJ Services." Then, 4 DAYS LATER you're here asking somebody about CC sources. Now, 9 DAYS AFTER JOINING, you're asking for a handout.

Sorry if this isn't what you wanted to hear, but let's be freakin' realistic here bud. I'm calling BULLSHIT. I can't even f*ckin' see straight right now... :angry:

In Community Spirit,
Ceaser, I feel sorry for your grandmother. Not because she is sick, but because she is related to you, a worthless piece of dirt.
I bet your mother and father are disappointed too.

In my book. You are a dirt bag.
This request seems very odd, especially having been here for such a short amount of time. As Jon pointed out above, there are several other options if money really is tight. Your history here is limited and questionable. I would advise you take Jon's advice, rather than solicit for donations.

If your grandmother truly is ill, I do wish her a speedy and healthy recovery.

*makes popcorn*

Oh, this oughta be good.... :laugh:
There's something strange about this fella. Two days ago I got request to add him to my friends list. I don't know this guy from Adam. I've never had any interaction with him and what newb would ask me such a thing? I ain't that friendly. I denied it the request today, of course, and soon after he posted this. WTF. Was he planning to use me to give him some sort of credibility?

There's something strange about this fella. Two days ago I got request to add him to my friends list. I don't know this guy from Adam. I've never had any interaction with him and what newb would ask me such a thing? I ain't that friendly. I denied it the request today, of course, and soon after he posted this. WTF. Was he planning to use me to give him some sort of credibility?


LOL, indeed Doc, indeed. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Caesar, you are new to this board. During your short stay, you have undoubtedly seen the generosity and goodwill of our members. Because of your newness, I can see how you might think it okay to ask the board for something like this.

The other side of the coin to the generosity you've witnessed is a heavy dose of skeptisicm. We have seen scammers and mooches come and go over the years. I'm not saying you are a mooch or a scammer, but your initial post fits the mold.

I would suggest that you retract your request, apologize to the board, and then learn what is and is not acceptable before posting again.
There's something strange about this fella. Two days ago I got request to add him to my friends list. I don't know this guy from Adam. I've never had any interaction with him and what newb would ask me such a thing? I ain't that friendly. I denied it the request today, of course, and soon after he posted this. WTF. Was he planning to use me to give him some sort of credibility?


I would....

Doc will you be my friend.... :love:
