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Protect CP - Time to reset the tone here


Staff member
Jan 4, 2001
I pride myself on being part of the best cigar community around. A lot of hard work goes into this community, not only by me, but by many of you. I’ve seen a change in the culture recently with some of the newer members. It seems some of the newer blood doesn’t quite understand the concept of earning privileged information – instead some of them expect everything to be handed to them.

It’s time we reset the tone at CP, and enforce our values of trust, honesty and integrity. While other forums have sold out and are merging, it’s time we really step it up and protect our community. We may be a large community, though the way we look out for each other and protect the community should not change.

If you see suspicious activity such as: gouging, profiteering, selling cigars but not participating in the community, new members seeking sources/hard to find cigars, etc., PLEASE by all means stand up and protect CP! Keep me in the loop too. Kindly direct people to do the right thing, don’t flame them. If they ignore your requests, send me a PM and I will resolve it.

Please show respect to fellow members and the community as a whole. Think before you post, consider your avatar, signature, and so on. I've never been a fan of moderating, and I have always allowed the membership guide itself, though I think it's time the sails are adjusted. We've always been a classy site, lets keep with tradition.

I simply cannot read every post – the site has grown dramatically, and I’m having to do more and more backend maintenance lately. I’m also working on a new version of CP which should be ready in the next few months – totally new design with added features.

Please remember, this is your community; let’s all work to protect it.

Thank you,
Very well stated, it's a pleasure to be a member here for exactly these reasons.
Rod, great words and at the right time as you stated, we've grown a lot and it's time to ensure that we keep this place a great home to hang our hats at...... :) :thumbs: :cool:
Well said Rod. I too have noticed a change with with the influx of newer members in the last eight or so months. I don't know, maybe the guys before me felt the same when I joined, and I view things differently because I've learned more since then. But, it seems more and more that there are subtle changes taking place that are not so good. Little things like the Avatars mentioned, etc. Problem is, if all the "little" things go unchecked, we'll wake up one day and wonder what happened to this place that we once thought was great, and think it not so great.

It's up to all of us, new and old to keep this place the way Rod envisioned. He did something no other board ever has. The ability to self moderate and have a say in the way this place runs. Let's not abuse that privilege.
Believe me, I've got a list of folks I'm keeping an eye on. But with that said, refugees always have a tough time adapting to their new culture and surroundings.

"It’s time we reset the tone at CP, and enforce our values of trust, honesty and integrity."

"Kindly direct people to do the right thing, don’t flame them."

"Please show respect to fellow members and the community as a whole."
I like the self-governance we have here, and I really like what Rod is saying. I think it's paramount to remember as we all make an effort to step it up a few notches that tough love is good - but tough love without the love is just being an asshole. I endeavor to find myself in a position where I have to play watchdog, and hope I can maintain dignity and act like a gentleman. I hope we can all do the same.
Well said Rod. There is a saying "The Termites kill the tree" I.e., We see it hit by lightning, it survives; brushes it off. But, a whole mess of those little things can really wreak havoc.
From a newbie's perspective, this site has been a welcome change of civility and good humor. The self-moderation style has been gloriously represented in more than one thread in the last week. Great introductory material for the serious newbie not looking for a short term "club" to join; the smart newb will read between the lines and take seriously the measured responses and note the polite disagreements between seasoned members (and yes, FOGs, it's pretty obvious who you are!). There doesn't seem to be a hint of smugness, and in general, even in disagreement, the more experienced members refused to stoop to silliness. Like I said, a welcome change. I've only been here for a couple weeks, so to you good folks I'm as wet behind the ears as they come. With that said, I've also had several fantastic interactions, and have been welcomed and treated as an equal. Environments like this are infectious, and I give all of you kudos for maintaining it. I'll do my part. I look forward to a good long virtual smoke with all of you, and if I can manage, I'll meet up with a few of you at some point, and we can kick back and watch the little ones in the yard while the grill sizzles and the strong drink flows.

This is the only cigar site I am on and I for one Love this place Rod you have given us a place to Talk, share, and pass on the love. CP is defiantly like a Large family I'll be we are dysfunctional but a family non the less haha Thank you or all you have done! rp
As a refugee, I want to thank you for your cigar community. I will do everything in my power to earn the trust of the community. (I apologize if my avatar is offensive!)
This is the only cigar site I am on and I for one Love this place Rod you have given us a place to Talk, share, and pass on the love. CP is defiantly like a Large family I'll be we are dysfunctional but a family non the less haha Thank you or all you have done! rp

x2. Couldn't have said it better myself. Hope to stay and contribute for many years to come.
This is a privilege to be part of such a great community, Rod I understand why you put that post up, but were all adults here (at least I think so) and we need to treat this place like the gold mine that it is. It's a shame we have ass hats that cause so much drama, but on the other hand we have some of the best BOTL & SOTL anywhere in the world and that out weights the bull$hit that tends to arise with so many people. Hopefully we continue to grow and I’m excited to be a part of such a great place...
Whatever it takes to protect this place. Thanks Rod.
Good post Rod... We shall do everything necessary to keep this community alive and well.
I happened across this place by doing a google search for cigar forums. After reviewing the top 5 or so this one seemed to have the most info with the least drama. That has proven true, the only other forum I visit is a knife forum and they are good but the self moderation that takes place here is second tpo none. It feels like home to me now so I guess its time to help steer those newer than I.
I knew as soon as you turned down $50,000 for this place that you were in this for the long haul, Rod...

We're right here with you and we'll protect this house....