The Titus Pullo of CP
- Joined
- Aug 8, 2005
- Messages
- 1,732
OK, so far from the old thread, we have the following participates, in no particular order:
OK - first let me just state that if anyone does not want to continue participating in this pass for any reason, be it other obligations, dislike of the rules, etc. Just let me know before I send this out, no problem. So now the rules:
This will be a giveaway and a contest.
First the give-away part. Each participant may take (without a corresponding put) one of the ORIGINALLY SENT Boswell blends, as a free sample, courtesy of J.M. Boswell. :thumbs:
Second, the contest part, the pass is the contest. It will be the "LAST PIPER STANDING Contest" (Many of you are familiar with the LAST HERFER STANDING PASS, same thing.) Here is how it works:
I will prepare a label for each participant and place it in an unmarked envelope. My lovely wife will choose an envelope at random and I will send the pass on to that person. I will not post who was selected. That person will
take their free sampler and 1 or 2 other puts and takes, then choose an envelope and send it on to that person. We do not post the next person in the thread, only I and the sender know who is next. So be sure to PM or e-mail me the name of the next recipient along with the DC#. We continue doing this until there is a "Last Piper Standing". The piper's name in the last envelope chosen gets to keep all the tobacco in the pass.
So in summary, when you receive the pass:
So I hope everyone is OK with this set-up. Everyone gets a freebie, and someone will get a nice collection of pipe tobacco, and I hope everyone has some fun!
So here is the tobacco line-up! I decided a picture is worth a 1000 words so hear is 2000 worth. :laugh:
BrewMeister in Pennsylvania
BigJake6904 - in Texas
TampaSupremo- in Georgia
Benjamin Button - in New Hampshire
LilBastage - in Minnesota
Mr Wolf - in Maryland
MoeCizlack - in Iowa
LoveTheLeaf- inSouth Carolinanow in Maryland
Everpresent1 - in North Carolina
GunsandCigars88 - in Texas
Gunpowder - in Indiana
joshmickelson - in Colorado
Ernie111 - in Massachusetts
- GeorgeC - in Texas - THE LAST PIPER STANDING! - RECEIVED 12 Jan 2009.
OK - first let me just state that if anyone does not want to continue participating in this pass for any reason, be it other obligations, dislike of the rules, etc. Just let me know before I send this out, no problem. So now the rules:
This will be a giveaway and a contest.
First the give-away part. Each participant may take (without a corresponding put) one of the ORIGINALLY SENT Boswell blends, as a free sample, courtesy of J.M. Boswell. :thumbs:
Second, the contest part, the pass is the contest. It will be the "LAST PIPER STANDING Contest" (Many of you are familiar with the LAST HERFER STANDING PASS, same thing.) Here is how it works:
I will prepare a label for each participant and place it in an unmarked envelope. My lovely wife will choose an envelope at random and I will send the pass on to that person. I will not post who was selected. That person will
take their free sampler and 1 or 2 other puts and takes, then choose an envelope and send it on to that person. We do not post the next person in the thread, only I and the sender know who is next. So be sure to PM or e-mail me the name of the next recipient along with the DC#. We continue doing this until there is a "Last Piper Standing". The piper's name in the last envelope chosen gets to keep all the tobacco in the pass.
So in summary, when you receive the pass:
- Don't dilly-dally around, your goal should be receive it one day & send it out the next day.
- Post in this thread that you have received the Pass.
- Make certain the contents are in proper order.
- Choose a "free sample" from the Boswell tobacco shown below.
- Then choose 1 or 2 more takes.
- Post your freebie choice, as well as your puts and takes in this thread. I'll keep the inventory updated in this thread.
- No approval needed, just remember value for value & it's always good to leave the pass better than you found it.
- Choose an envelope at random, send the Pass to the Piper's address found in the envelope.
- PM or Email me the name of the next Piper and the DC# of the parcel.
- You can ship it anyway you'd like so long as it is via a traceable service, you need to receive a DC# or tracking number!
So I hope everyone is OK with this set-up. Everyone gets a freebie, and someone will get a nice collection of pipe tobacco, and I hope everyone has some fun!
So here is the tobacco line-up! I decided a picture is worth a 1000 words so hear is 2000 worth. :laugh:

Orlik Golden Sliced- Josh Mickleson - Received 5 Nov. Take -gunsandcigars88
Butera Pelican- Josh Mickleson - Shipped 6 Nov. Take -BigJake6904
Dunhill Nightcap (50g Tin)- BigJake6904 Received 8 Nov Shipped 12 Nov. - - Take Benjamin Button
Dunhill Early Morning Pipe (50g Tin)
Peterson Old Dublin (50g Tin)- Take MoeCizLack
Da Vinci (50g Tin)- Local B&M's French Vanilla - gunsandcigars88 Received 14 Nov Shipped 17 Nov.
Peterson Sweet Killarney- Take LilBastage
- Mac Baren Uncle Louie's Whisky - Mr_Wolf Received 20 Nov Shipped 21 Nov.
Peter Stokkebye Proper English (this will be about 2oz in a ziploc bag)
GLP Key Largo- Take Gunpowder
- Dunhill Nightcap 1.3 oz - GunPowder Received 24 Nov Shipped 25 Nov.
Frog Morton 1.3 oz
Georges Blend 1.2 oz (Secret custom blend from Georges smoke shop-Holland MI)
G.L. Pease Barbary Coast 2 oz Tin- Take EverPresent1
Hoyo de Monterrey pipe tobacco (Habana)- LilBastage Received 28 Nov, Shipped 28 Nov. - Take Ernie111
Peterson Sherlock Holmes (tin)- McClelland Grand Oriental Yenidye Highlander (50 g tin) - EverPresent1 Received 1 Dec, Shipped 3 Dec
McCranie's Sweet Savannah (1 oz)- Take TampaSupremo
McCranie's Southport (1.75 oz bag) -- their small size bag
McCranie's Old Master (1.75 oz bag)- Take Benjamin Button McClelland's Virginia No. 25 50 oz. can- MoeCizLack Received 6 Dec., Shipped 8 Dec. - - Take Benjamin Button
3oz McClelland's Dark English Full
3x1oz bags of Dunhill's 965 (1 oz - - Take Benjamin Button)
A Couple of ounces of David's Briar Shoppe Coventry- Stokkebye Luxury Twist Flake (smelled so good I bought some for me) - TampaSupremo Received 12 Dec., Shipped 13 Dec.
Stokkebye Bulls Eye Flake (2oz, to equal the Sweet Savannah pouch)- Take Benjamin Button
From Stokkebye's webpage - McClelland Bulk # 2015 Virginia Flake - 1 oz - Benjamin Button Received 16 Dec. Sent 17 Dec
McClelland Frog Morton on the Bayou - 50 gram tin
GL Pease Westminster - 1 oz -Take Ernie111
GL Pease Maltese Falcon - 1 oz
Esoterica Tobacciana Penzance - 2 oz Tin (56.7g) Butternut Burley - 1 oz
Stanwell Melange - 1 oz - McClelland, Christmas Cheer, 08 - 100G - Ernie111 Received 19 Dec Sent 19 Dec.
Samuel Gawith, Squadron Leader - 50 G
Frog Morton On The Town - 100 G - Ernie111 mistakenly shipped to LovetheLeaf in South Carolina - Received 23 Dec 2008 - Sent to GeorgeC - 8 January 2009.