When I was a newbie on the boards - not only this one but others, I remember getting the whispers about ISOM's and how to get them. I could not believe the prices though!!!! I mean expensive!!!! Then as some more time went on, and because at times I can be a good observor, I realized there must be a better way and that not everything was as expensive as it looks - and well by then I had found out about some prices people were paying.
I remember being frustrated at being told "no, I can't tell you my sources" or at best "let me know what you want and I will see what I can do, but your not getting the source". I honestly didn't understand it - especially since to this day I have yet to buy a box and have only gone in a couple box splits.
Then just a short while ago, friends started to give me sources - to the point that I have several sources - some really cheap and others a little more but still cheaper than what you normally see and I understood.
Just as in many clubs, people need a chance to see you, to watch you and learn if they can trust you with informaton. Why? Really simple, if everyone knew of these places, then everyone would buy from them. Good? Bad? Indifferent? Considering the fact in a sub-culture that is all about supply and demand, it is really nice to know that there are a couple of places to go that don't gouge you. They do YOU a favor and keep membership low, so that you can afford to buy cigars that quite frankly would otherwise be beyond people's budget.
I am glad I finally learned of these sources - though I am not anywhere near a member, nor probably ever will be. I am content with my sources to be able to go to these places, see what I want and then make my order through friends who are members. I got there because I paid my dues as it were and proved myself someone who could be trusted.
I also now understand why people kept it hushed hushed to me for a long time. Which makes it even that much better now that I have earned their trust. So for newbies - and please note, if your new to a board, then you are a newbie - it doesn't matter if your new to cigars or old hand, your new to this or that community and therefor a newbie. My note is this. Participate in whatever you can. Post. Get to know people - more importanlty let people get to know you. Yes it may take awhile, but you will eventually either prove yourself someone people can trust with these sources or not. The "payoff" of information is there at the end but it is not - nor should be just given to you immediately.
Like it has been stated, ISOM's are illegal. Why morally, I have no problem breaking "this" law, it is still breaking the law nevertheless and as such does put those of us who buy ISOM's in the "criminal" category. We have to protect ourselves and one of the few ways we can is to ensure that those we let in on the secrets as it were (though quite frankly most of them you should be able to figure out on your own, god knows most of us did and the final key was the information that lead to this topic) are people who have earned our trust. Still a risk, but most people in it for a quick fix or to re-sale, or to take advantage, etc. etc. aren't going to dedicate a year or two on a BB like this one to earn the "right" to get this information.
Anyway my thoughts are done, just remember if your a newbie to hang in there, the information may come to you one day, but it means you have to earn it. It's not a case of "I'm better than you", "I know more than you", "I am a FOG and your just a newbie", it's about developing trust in relationships - and friendships are just that - relationships, it's about keeping prices low enough so that one day when you are given the information those prices are still low
In the meantime, you have buying clubs, box splits, fivers, passes and trades to get what you want, so your not being denied the fruits of that information - only the ability to get directly yourself but you can still get indirectly

So your not losing out on anything really.