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Gluten free cigars


For once, knowledge is making me poor!
Mar 7, 2007
I have a friend who I play golf with and he apparently has very serious issues with gluten. He loves the smell of cigars but isn't willing to try one because of his gluten issues. He is afraid the gum/glue may have gluten.

I give him credit for his diligence!

Does anyone know if there is any reference which would conclude that there is "zero" gluten in any given cigar?
Pectin is gluten free. I'm not sure what type of glue every cigar maker uses, but pectin is one common glue.

I just did a quick search and it looks like some cigars are gluten free and some are not.

Here's a post that has what is claimed to be a partial list of gluten free cigars, My Father and Arturo Fuente are on the list, so it's probable that other cigars rolled by these factories are also gluten free.

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My wife has to eat gluten free because of a thyroid condition so I am very aware of what does and doesn’t have gluten but I would never even had though that there was even a possibility that cigars had gluten in them. Though this thread was a joke at first. Learns something new today
Not that I am an expert on the subject but usually people who stay away from gluten have digestive issues with it. Since cigars are smoked I don’t think any of the possible gluten will get to the digestive track 🤷‍♂️
I have never heard of such a dramatic gluten issue but he won't even kiss his wife after she has eaten anything gluten. He carries a bottle of hand sanitizer with him and he wipes the bar down before he takes a seat.
I have never heard of such a dramatic gluten issue but he won't even kiss his wife after she has eaten anything gluten. He carries a bottle of hand sanitizer with him and he wipes the bar down before he takes a seat.
Wow. Better safe than sorry in that case
Yeah, when I was searching for stuff about cigar gluten, several posts out in internetland mentioned zero tolerance for gluten. Evidently, wheat glue is/was used on cigars at least at some time, and this was enough set those gluten free folks off.
Yeah, when I was searching for stuff about cigar gluten, several posts out in internetland mentioned zero tolerance for gluten. Evidently, wheat glue is/was used on cigars at least at some time, and this was enough set those gluten free folks off.
It wouldn’t effect my wife because she doesn’t have celiac’s she has Hashimotos which she would need to eat a whole plate of pasta or something to feel crappy for a few days. But celiacs yeah just a tiny bit and you can be affected
Not that I am an expert on the subject but usually people who stay away from gluten have digestive issues with it. Since cigars are smoked I don’t think any of the possible gluten will get to the digestive track 🤷‍♂️
Correct on the the digestive issues side. I have celiac disease, and it's easier to get gluten into the digestive track than people think. I've just started researching gluten free cigars, because it only takes a "spec" of gluten to enter the system to trigger a reaction. If a "glue" used on a cigar wrapper contains gluten, it could be absorbed into the saliva and down the hatch.

If anyone does know of companies that respond quickly to customer questions that would be great. I've reached out to five so far, and it's been weeks without a response.

Happy Holidays everyone!
Interesting one-and-only post. I figured that he'd have been back with a link to one he "found".

Or, may be legit...
My "LC" roller uses CMC or Carboxymethyl Cellulose gum. It has a lot of industrial/commercial uses so there may be several versions. Wiki has a lengthy write up on it but nothing dedicated to the cigar business. It does state that its major source is softwood pulp or cotton linter so it does not come from wheat as part of ChuckJr's post might suggest. Also that it is THE alternative for gluten free products. John
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Thank you @Johnny-O! I'll look that up. I'm sure there are more cigar companies out there that are 100% gluten free. I came across one company that took the time to respond. There reply is seen below. In addition, I have been sticking with the San Cristobal Elegancia from this distributor without issue.

I use Sure Jell from Kraft Foods to repair cigars. It is stated they do not put Gluten in their Fruit Pectin. However, they also say that they dont classify it as "Gluten Free" because some of the ingredients they bought from suppliers are not required by law to list all of their ingredients. John
Interesting one-and-only post. I figured that he'd have been back with a link to one he "found".

Or, may be legit...
He now has a whopping two posts! Both in this thread. 🤪
Ran across some funny things while looking up Sure Gel. In some baking/canning forum there was a lady that said she used Fruit Pectin that was 35 years old and her recipe turned out fine. I guess that's because when they didn't put expiration dates on anything it didn't expire! John
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Yes, I’ve only posted (now three times) since joining in November 2024—just three months ago—all within this thread. In fact, the only reason I even found this site was through researching a specific topic of personal interest, and that's when your post showed up @CigarStone. So, I created my account to join in the topic, which I imagine is relevant to others facing the same challenge.

Unlike some, I don’t spend all my time on CigarPass, nor do I consider cigars on my top priority. I just like to partake of a cigar once in awhile with a group of buddies. But I couldn’t help but notice that @kann have been active here since 2011, averaging 2.85 posts per day (factoring in leap years, of course). Impressive dedication.

Keep your eye's peeled because who knows when my fourth post will be, but I'll make sure to tag you both in the event it's in another thread. I wouldn't want you two to miss out on history in the making!!!
Yes, I’ve only posted (now three times) since joining in November 2024—just three months ago—all within this thread. In fact, the only reason I even found this site was through researching a specific topic of personal interest, and that's when your post showed up @CigarStone. So, I created my account to join in the topic, which I imagine is relevant to others facing the same challenge.

Unlike some, I don’t spend all my time on CigarPass, nor do I consider cigars on my top priority. I just like to partake of a cigar once in awhile with a group of buddies. But I couldn’t help but notice that @kann have been active here since 2011, averaging 2.85 posts per day (factoring in leap years, of course). Impressive dedication.

Keep your eye's peeled because who knows when my fourth post will be, but I'll make sure to tag you both in the event it's in another thread. I wouldn't want you two to miss out on history in the making!!!
Yikes.. I am sure you can imagine that 99.74245856 % of people who show up and post in one thread, end up posting a spam link. Drop by the introduction thread and introduce yourself. That would be a great 4th post.

*Edited my numbers, I forgot to account for leap year.
Yes, I’ve only posted (now three times) since joining in November 2024—just three months ago—all within this thread. In fact, the only reason I even found this site was through researching a specific topic of personal interest, and that's when your post showed up @CigarStone. So, I created my account to join in the topic, which I imagine is relevant to others facing the same challenge.

Unlike some, I don’t spend all my time on CigarPass, nor do I consider cigars on my top priority. I just like to partake of a cigar once in awhile with a group of buddies. But I couldn’t help but notice that @kann have been active here since 2011, averaging 2.85 posts per day (factoring in leap years, of course). Impressive dedication.

Keep your eye's peeled because who knows when my fourth post will be, but I'll make sure to tag you both in the event it's in another thread. I wouldn't want you two to miss out on history in the making!!!
LOL, gotta admit, this response hit my funny bone. @Enigma87, if you have a chance, head over to the New Member Introductions and tell everyone a little about yourself. From my experience, once a new member does that, things go more smoothly in post interactions. I look forward to your "history in the making!!!"


LOL, I didn't see Chad's post.
Being GF and being able to actually label as GF are 2 different things, and 1 of them can be costly.

I brew beer for a friend of mine who has Celiac, mine is the only GF beer he can drink that 1. taste good. or 2. does not cause a reaction.
I change nothing in my process, I always use good hygiene and cleaning protocols thus avoid cross contamination. The only thing I do different is add a proteolytic enzyme that specifically cleaves gluten proteins, reducing their size so that they no longer trigger adverse reactions, it also binds them to larger proteins to precipitate out of the finished product. While this does not meet FDA standard for GF it does me the threshold for Gluten Reduced, and less than 20ppm