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Propane Grills... Whatcha Using?


Active Member
Sep 14, 2007
Good Day Cp'ers

I am looking for a new grill and was wondering what you guys might be using?

I have an old kenmore 3 burner that needs to be retired and will need a replacement for the new season. I have been looking at a Close out 2010 Weber Genesis EP-310 due to the stainless steel internals and the 10yr internal and 25yr casing warranty.

Any feed back on this grill or others. I would be looking to stay under $700 or so.

So whatcha cooking with?
Yes to Weber, I have a Charbroil four burner that is good. Next grill I get will be a Weber!
Yes to Weber, I have a Charbroil four burner that is good. Next grill I get will be a Weber!

From what I have been reading with the Weber, you do get what you pay for and you are not simply paying a premium for the Purty Weber logo on the front.

Looks like I will probably be heading in this direction, anybody have any experience with these bad boys?
Yes to Weber, I have a Charbroil four burner that is good. Next grill I get will be a Weber!

From what I have been reading with the Weber, you do get what you pay for and you are not simply paying a premium for the Purty Weber logo on the front.

Looks like I will probably be heading in this direction, anybody have any experience with these bad boys?

I've used Weber in the past, the overall quality and construction is the clincher!
I agree, get a Weber. They're well built and will last forever. I have a small camping grill made by Weber that's lasted for well over 15 years and still works great.
Weber genesis E310 and the thread is over. Seriously
Weber genesis E310 and the thread is over. Seriously

Excellent this is what i was looking for. I just called the local and had them hold the last close out EP-310 that they have. It is the copper colored version which looks pretty sharp and I was able to get it for $599 which appears to be a solid deal.

I will be picking this up on sat and will season and fire it up this weekend. Weather permiting.

I will post my thoughts once I get my hands on this bad boy and fire it up. :thumbs:

Thanks for the feedback, it is appreciated.
I have a Brown Genesis. Not sure which model but mine has the side burner. You've already bought yours but I was going to suggest that if you wanted to save money you could get the non stainless model and as it goes bad replace parts with stainless versions. I paid about $600 but it did have the side burner.

I have had mine maybe 10 yrs and already replaced the grates with stainless. The burner is still A-OK. Grease catch is just now rusting away so I plan to get those parts this year and go through the grill.

I was tired of replacing grills every other year. One warning, the grill has a safety feature that if it is jarred (or something-can't remember), the gas will be limited. You have to shut it off and it resets after 5-10 minutes. Read the manual for details on procedure on how to light, etc. to prevent it.

Customer service stinks though. I had the tank hose break off at the burner rail within a day or so of buying it. The customer service lady (southern lady of color) accused me of being "one of them thar handimen." Basically ripped me a new one.

Accused me of breaking the grill. I couldn't believe her derogatory remarks. She reluctantly covered it with the warranty but I will forever spread the word on that experience. She was bad for Weber and I only hope she is working at a gas station so the general public is not paying her welfare.

I'm still pissed. Can you tell?
I have a Brown Genesis. Not sure which model but mine has the side burner. You've already bought yours but I was going to suggest that if you wanted to save money you could get the non stainless model and as it goes bad replace parts with stainless versions. I paid about $600 but it did have the side burner.

I have had mine maybe 10 yrs and already replaced the grates with stainless. The burner is still A-OK. Grease catch is just now rusting away so I plan to get those parts this year and go through the grill.

I was tired of replacing grills every other year. One warning, the grill has a safety feature that if it is jarred (or something-can't remember), the gas will be limited. You have to shut it off and it resets after 5-10 minutes. Read the manual for details on procedure on how to light, etc. to prevent it.

Customer service stinks though. I had the tank hose break off at the burner rail within a day or so of buying it. The customer service lady (southern lady of color) accused me of being "one of them thar handimen." Basically ripped me a new one.

Accused me of breaking the grill. I couldn't believe her derogatory remarks. She reluctantly covered it with the warranty but I will forever spread the word on that experience. She was bad for Weber and I only hope she is working at a gas station so the general public is not paying her welfare.

I'm still pissed. Can you tell?

Thanks for the heads up. Thats one of the reasons that I am buying from a local B&M. It is a local Gardening / yard center that has excellent service and they have always taken care of me. As for the internals Lowes is selling the Non Stainless version for $699 not assembled so $599 for the Stainless assembled seems like a decent trade off. Hopefully, this is what they say it is and this works out. I am excited to get back outdoors and grilling again.

Now if I could only find a smoker on the cheap, been scouring C-list.

No more condo and with the new house, Its time to get me some toys. :-)
We have a Genesis that's been going for nigh on 6 years. One of the other Cub Scout dads is buying it from me because I want to go back to charcoal. I'm getting back to basics and I miss the flavor of charcoal.

It's a great grill. I'm sure you'll be very happy with it.
I have a Weber Summit Natural gas, A Weber Charcoal Performer and a Weber Smoky Mountain smoker.... Guess I like Weber's :D
I have a Weber Summit Natural gas, A Weber Charcoal Performer and a Weber Smoky Mountain smoker.... Guess I like Weber's :D

Also a good point, I use charcoal in my other weber(s)for grilling/smoking as much during the summer as I use my gas grill the rest of the year.
Webers are the best, bar none. They're in a whole other league as far as gassers go. You will appreciate the extra expenditure every time you light it up and, more importantly, every time you eat something you've cooked on it!
Never had a Weber, but have never heard a bad word uttered about them. I have a Vermont Castings 310 Signature Series that has been going for a few years now. By far the best grill I've ever owned.
A Brinkman electric smoker can be had for $55-$85. Check your local Walmart.
I wouldn't give a gas grill house room, but if I were to lose my mind, I would get a Weber.

Sounds like you found what you like. I have had a Jenn-Aire for 6 years and it is great. But they did stop using the cast iron burners so I don't know if the newer ones are as good.

I went through two Webers in 12 years. First one had the 3 burners ($900) front to back...great for indirect slow cooking when coupled with smoking chips....the side burner was always handy for sauces and pan frying fish.

Then we moved up to the high end 6 burner (2.5K) all stainless steel...side burner...rotisserie version. Those burners were side by side. Better for burgers, steaks, fish, and ribs because you always had a cool zone next to where you were cooking if you left one burner off.

I have now bailed on Weber because both of them started to rust almost immediately. Their warranty service F*CKING BLOWS! The burners, those V-shaped deflectors (flavor bars!), and the carts showed rust within 6 months and eventually rusted completely through. They said I lived too close to the ocean (3 miles) to receive warranty parts after they sent me parts for the first one...which they gave to me reluctantly! I went to Supervisor after Supervisor and got the same response. The reason I went with the second one was because it was all stainless steel and my buddy who owns a chain of garden centers sold it to me at cost. Same problem...the insides were shot in less than 3 years! I always covered it with the Weber cover and they NEVER saw rain or snow.

I now have some BS stainless steel Char-Broil Commercial Series grill from Lowes ($600) with this weird stainless grate setup that sucks balls...but at least I didn't pay the 2-3K to get a Weber as I now live a mile from the ocean!

Oh yeah, I just bought a charcoal grill the other day to get back to basics and flavor!
I went grill shopping with the wife right when the new stock was being put out in the stores. We found an inexpensive one made by BBQTek, a company I hadn't heard of before. Seems they manufacture grills under a few different brands, one of them being Bond. This is a pretty good grill for the price ($400), and it has 4 main burners, side burner, rotisserie burner, and it comes with the rotisserie unit too. It'll suit us until it's time to upgrade again. It's replacing an el-cheapo ($130) no-name grill from Home Depot that was perfect for an apartment balcony. The original burner just rusted out and it's not worth replacing. It lasted just over 5 years being used year round, so no complaints about that.

I'd love to get a Weber, Napoleon, or any other big and well known brand, but I can't justify the price right now. If the new one lasts like the old one I'll be plenty happy.