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What Cigar Pass Means to Me


Got Ink ?
Mar 17, 2007
 With all that's gone on the past few days and me being right in the middle of it, I thought this was as good a time for me to share my thoughts. 
 CP is more than a community, it's a family. I've made more friends via CP that I've never met, than I have around here. I call it a family instead of a community, because that's what I feel it is. A family has disagreement, a family laughs together, a family cries together, and a family has fun together. I'm a prime example. I went through probably the worst 3 month stretch of my life since the year started, and who picked me up off of the ground? You guys did. The bombs were something special, but the notes inside full of encouragement and phone numbers telling me I could call anytime to talk is what really made them special. You don't know how many hours I spent talking to some of these guys. That's a family.
 CP is a place to build friendships. I've only met 4 members in my 7+ years here which is sad, But I can't count how many of you I call friends. I know I can be abrasive at times, but I look out for the best interest of my family. It's because you're my family that I do what I do. Some may not agree with the way I do things, but contrary to popular belief, I don't do them to be a prick. I do them because I'm the big Brother looking out for his younger siblings (or older siblings that are scared to take up for themselves). 
 CP is where I come when I need a laugh. It's also where I come when I want to catch up with guys I haven't heard from in a while. There's been a big turnover here on CP since I started and I really miss some of those guys. I don't know why they left, or in one guys case, what happened to him. But there's a strong core of good people here and if you don't know them personally, reach out to them. They can only make you a better person.
 CP is where you can come and see one of Paul's video reviews, read one of Greg's fantastic reviews, share in the love that Ray has for Scotch and learn more about it from him then you ever thought possible. You can come here and find out just about everything you want to know abut cigars. You can bomb someone, trade with someone, buy, sell, or pass. The good far outweighs the bad when you talk about these things.
 We need to get back to the Brotherhood that made us this family. I understand that I've been the cause of a lot of the upheaval of late, but I may become a little outspoken, but I do it because I don't want my family hurt, That's why I'm taking it upon myself to be the one to try to bring it back together. One of the guys I respect the most here told me today that CP isn't fun like it once was, another friend I inadvertently insulted and feel like shit about it. We need to get back to being a family and not a forum. We have a great leader in Rod, great FOG's to guide us, great guys that have been here for a while, and great guys that just started. There's always going to be someone that comes in and cause havoc and that's when we come together and show him the door. I'm a member of every cigar forum out there, but this is the only board I visit or post in, which is why I'm so protective of it.We won't always get along, we won't always agree with each other, we may not even like someone here, but I'm confident that we as adults of a family can get through these things without all the drama we've been subjected to of late.
Let's get back to being the "Friendliest Cigar Forum on the Internet" and that starts with me.
Jonesy very well said brother. I for one respect the opinion from fogs and learn from them. Love this place and it's an escape avenue from everyday life and my love for cigars.
I have met some great friends here and as I said before it's great how a damn cigar can make people from all walks of life click. So get on that expressway one of these days and have a smoke with your southern neighbor bro!
Spot on Brian!  Very well said!  I too think of this place like family, and yes I was away for a while, but hey...I do my actual blood family the same way!  :laugh:  I can't say enough about the folks here, that would give the shirt off their back to help another in need. 
And damnit!  We need to get a NC/SC herf going.  C'mon man, let's set a day, place, and time and DO THIS!
I for one will be glad when you finish your period.
Kingantz said:
Spot on Brian!  Very well said!  I too think of this place like family, and yes I was away for a while, but hey...I do my actual blood family the same way!  :laugh:  I can't say enough about the folks here, that would give the shirt off their back to help another in need. 
And damnit!  We need to get a NC/SC herf going.  C'mon man, let's set a day, place, and time and DO THIS!
Next time I head to Myrtle Beach, I'm going to set a day aside. tone-ny has a house down there so we can have a good one!
jfields said:
I for one will be glad when you finish your period.
You just had to be the one to ruin it.....
This is the only forum of any nature in which I participate. I come here to relax, and before I worked on a federal computer, to take a short break in the middle of work. I make it a point to try and herf with as many of the CP brothers as I can.
Well said Brian and don't sweat it one or two crazy passes that are currently going are only getting stronger by the day because of the words you and the other FOG's have written. In my recent promotion I have been told many times it's all about your approach when expressing your disagreement with someone. I was one that when as senior tech in the field I would go from 0 to 100 instantly which put everyone on the defensive. Even though if I was right it wouldn't matter at that point I already lost the argument with my approach. You made a lot of great points in my pass and Kens which I have followed from the start since I am a passer in it. I think CP needs a couple newbie passes to get started I know I learned a ton from the one I was in.

Thanks Brian for all your heart you put into our faimly it's guys like you thank keep this ship sailing strait.

Also I have personally met quite a few of the active members here and have even drove extreme distances to meet some of them and those are some of the best experiences I have had here. I plan on attending the QSH for many years to come for this main reason. Like others have said I have never seen a group of people who have never met before come together to help out a friend that is down. Form mega bombs of mass size or a few smokes from an unknown shipper it still amazes me the generosity that is show here. There are a few guys that I know I can never repay but I will die trying! It's so hard to explain to people that don't get it. However this past winter when I was down and out I think it finally all made sense to my wife when I would get a call from Gary, Kris or CJ and they were seeing how I was doing as I was going crazy at home laid up or the times Kris would pop by the house to drop off a smoke or two for me to enjoy. Yes it is cigars that has brought us all together but CP is so much more than that.

Damn that Greg can write a review :thumbs:

Very well put Brian.  I am very honored to be part of this family and can't even begin to tell everyone what this place means to me.
I agree with pretty much all of the above. I've now had the privilege (I was keeping a tally but somehow deleted my profile) to herf with well over 30 CP members whether it be the TX guys, NJ/ NY (+Paul) guys or everyone that got together at the '09 IPCPR in New Orleans. I've shared in feasts, brews, shooting ranges and some damn fine cigars with many CP brothers. I wouldn't trade the experiences for anything. There are a few brothers, as Jonesy mentioned, that I really wish I knew what happened to them as I considered them friends....but hopefully they return someday as many individuals tend to do over the years.
Brian, I for one appreciate your attempts at keeping things on track and I also appreciate your friendship.
I like this post a lot! I look fwd to the day I meet you brother! God Bless!
Nicely said, Jonesy. Life got pretty challenging for me for a couple of years. Being able to interact with like minded and decent people made the experience less invasive into my thoughts and activity.
We are often told to be cautious in life but, here on this forum, we do experience less risk of shenanigans, and more chances to experience brotherhood than anyplace I can think of. 