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Good Morning S / BOTL - 2013

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Good morning all, the coffee is on and it's time that we start a new "Good Morning S / BOTL" thread.  The last one went from Feb 6, 2006 until yesterday which was a good run.  Anyway, it's hotter than heck out and the weather guessers stated that we'll have this heat wave for a while.  Enjoy everyone and remember to stay hydrated.......  :)   :thumbs:   :cool:
Good morning all, the coffee is on and it's lookin' like we'll have the hottest day of the summer here in NY according to the weather guessers today.  Remember to stay hydrated and I don't mean drink as much beer as you can to do it, LOL.   Today being Thursday, we'll be at Hudson Valley Cigars / Schlesinger's Cigar Bar this evening enjoying primo stogies and trying to finalize all the logistics in reference to next Saturday's Quad State Herf 8.  Enjoy everyone and smoke em' if you get the chance....... 
Good morning, the coffee has been on since 0420 as always and it's Friday!   This excessive heat we have been experiencing for the past week or so looks like will come to an end soon as a cold front is finally moving in from Canada:
Sport wise, the Yankees are in Boston for the weekend taking on the Red Sox and the NASCAR drivers are off for the weekend.   I hope everyone has a good one and enjoys a few of your favorites throughout it........  :)   :thumbs:   :cool:
Good morning all, the coffee is on and it's Saturday morning.  I see that the Yankees lost the weekend opener in Boston, hopefully they turn it around and post a "W" today.  Well, we are a week away from our annual Wounded Warrior Fund Raiser - Quad State State Herf 8.  A lot of the logistical stuff got done yesterday, cigars & merchandise are rolling in and coordinations are in progress.  Not sure about you all but I'm getting excited.  Enjoy the weekend everyone and don't forget, smokem' if you get the chance....... 
Good morning all and happy Sunday.  Coffee is on and it seems that the brutal heat is over for a while.  It was good to see the Yankees beat the Red Sox yesterday and hopefully they take the rubber game of the match-up this evening.  Enjoy the day everyone and smoke a favorite or two or.......   :)   :thumbs:   :laugh:
Weather is not bad here either. A break from the heat is nice. 
Still warm, but not too bad. 
Good morning all, the coffee is on and it's already Monday morning.   Well, the Yankees lost the rubber match last night against the Red Sox 8 - 7 with Boston getting a walk-off homer in the bottom of the 8th to seal it.  Anyway, definitely going to be a busy week with Quad State Herf 8 this coming Saturday.  Always great to get stressed out about having a huge cigar event for 220+ guests and everything always ends up super.  Like they say, stress is good for you sometimes especially when you enjoy what you are doing.  Have a great week everyone and to those S/BOTL that are traveling this week here to West Point, be safe and see you all Saturday........  :)   :thumbs:   :cool:
Good morning all, the coffee is on and it's Tuesday morning.   Well, we finally got some rain we needed for a few weeks.  Also, I see the Yankees lost another one, not a good season at all as we predicted.  Anyway, 4 days and a wake-up and we'll be enjoying ourselves at this year's Quad State Herf........ 
Good morning all, the coffee is on and today is my furlough day for this week (no work - no pay, thank you President Obama) thank god it ends 28 September.  It was good to see the Yankees win last night, lets see if they can double it up.  It may as well make it a productive one and get all of the yard work done today and start organizing the goodies for this Saturday's QSH.  Enjoy everyone and smokem' if you get the chance.......  :)   :thumbs:   :cool:
Good morning all, the coffee is on as always and it's Thursday which means we'll be at Hudson Valley Cigars / Schlesinger's Cigar Bar this evening smoking primo stogies and finalizing the last minute stuff for this Saturday's event.  I see that the Yankees lost last night, time to rebound fellas as this is the 2nd half of the season.  Enjoy everyone and for those that are traveling today, be safe and we'll see you Saturday morning if not sooner........ 
Good morning all, the coffee is on and I'm starting to get back to normal after an amazing weekend that was off the charts.  The Quad State Herf couldn't have been any better and spending Friday night with Curt and Karen Williams was icing on the cake.  I hope everyone has a great day and enjoys.......  :)   :thumbs:   :cool:
Good morning all, the coffee is on as always and it's Thursday which means that we'll be at Hudson Valley Cigars / Schlesinger's Cigar Bar this evening enjoying primo stogies.  Had a good day yesterday even though it was my weekly furlough day (Thank you President Obama), got a lot of yard work done, saw some relatives I haven't seen for a while and then Beth and I headed over to the Newburgh Brewery for Happy Hour.  It was good to see that the Yankees won, so all in all, it was a good "Hump Day".  I hope everyone has a good one today and enjoys.......  :)   :thumbs:   :cool:
Good morning all, coffee is on and it's Friday!  Headin' out shortly in the direction of the Pocono Raceway via Tobyhanna Army Depot where the have really nice 2 bedroom suites:
We'll be escorting the US Army MP Company Honor Guard from West Point Sunday morning to the raceway to present the Colors during the opening ceremonies.  The weather looks great and all.  Enjoy the weekend everyone and smoke a favorite or two if you get the chance....... 
Thank you brother, we had a great day yesterday, going over to the track shortly to watch the Truck Race which kicks off around 1300 (1pm)..... :-)
Good morning all, the coffee is on and it's back to work after a nice 4 days in the Pocono Mountains.  We had a great weekend and everything was top notch.  I hope everyone has a good week and enjoys a favorite or two or.......  :)   :thumbs:   :cool:
Good morning all, the coffee has been on since 0430 and it's Thursday which means we'll be at Hudson Valley Cigars / Schlesinger's Cigar Bar this evening.  Had a good day yesterday even though it was a furlough day and all.  Hope everyone has a good one and enjoys it as well......  :)   :thumbs:   :cool:
It's 0245 here on the west coast, and we've been up all night having puppies!  OK, so we're just watching but our mama Chi has five down, one to go.  She's taking a break, vet says don't worry as long as the pup is moving around (oh boy) and the mom isn't pushing.  Poor tiny dog, she's pooped....on French Press #2 and cigar #4..... :p
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