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Bolt Cutter by Founders

Tall Paul

"insecure little bitch"
May 11, 2011
Bolt Cutter Barley Wine Ale
15th Anniversary Ale ~ 2012


Brewed by: Founders Brewery Company in Grand Rapids, MI
Style: American Barley wine Ale
ABV: 15%
Availability:[font=comic sans ms'] Limited one time release[/font]​
Bottle: 25.4 oz
Temp: 48F


Pour: Thick beautiful amber orange with carbonation bubbles to form a slight head at the top of the glass.

Smell: Sweet but somewhat strong alcohol vapor scent.

Taste: Strong alcohol tingle on the tip of your tongue with an almost boozy sensation. The alcohol tingle gives way to a thick sweet flavor with slight hints of caramel. The sweet caramel lingers for a bit with a slight vanilla flavor but then gives way to a slight hoppy bitter sensation on the back of the tongue. The beer stays very consistent through the entire 25 oz and it is without a doubt 15%. The alcohol content left me pretty foggy at the finish of the brew.

Overly expensive, IMHO.

It really took at least 1/2 of a pint for it to grow on me. I think you really have to have an affinity for barleywine to appreciate it.
Will, I like Barleywines. Wish I could find some of this.

Edited, for spelling.
It was challenging to get enough people to split 1 case. I actually split my bomber with another guy.
I'm not active enough to trade, and besides, I don't ship beer. I had one bad shipment, and that was enough for me.
I love this. I had it at on tap at FoBAB (Festival of Barrel Aged Beers) and it hooked me.
Nice review Paul.  Never had a Founder's beer I didn't love, though I've never tried this one.
Tried it at my last trip through Grand Rapids.  It was an interesting beer.  I have not had many barleywines.
I really love this stuff.  Wish I could buy a case!