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Hey Fellow Newbies


Newbie Dirtball
May 7, 2009
Alright, I hope I'm not out of place doing this, but after reading the "Bill Clinton" thread last night and into the wee hours of this morning, I wanted to say everyone who hasn't read it yet should. It is a rollercoaster of a thread that will add some perspective to how the FOG's handle things around here (not to mention what NOT to do as a newbie). What was impressive to me was that a lot of the people who have weighed in on more recent issues on the board were there trying to help. I appreciate your dedication guys, I really do. :thumbs:

There was one other thread more recently that demonstrated some of this as well, the "OR Anejo" thread (for lack of a better nickname). I highly recommend reading this as well so you don't repeat the mistakes of others.

Linked for ease of location:

"Bill Clinton Humidor Problem"
"OR Anejo #49"

As a newbie, I know my advice will be taken for what it's worth. These threads taught me a lot, I think they can help other newbies too. Don't let their length scare you away, it is an instructional read!

Good luck and happy reading. You might want to have a couple cigars handy, it will take a while! :D
I honestly think that when we join CP, there should be a required reading list. Those two threads should definitely be on that list. As you said, it shows what we shouldn't do, and just accentuates the need to really sit back and ask yourself why the FOGs do what they do. They have good reason, and threads like those most certainly prove it. I learned a lot from reading those as well as some other threads.
Hmmm, a required reading thread. I like the idea! Any FOGs who want to weigh in on some other threads that stick out in their memory that could teach us newbies a lesson would be appreciated.

Edit to add: I'm happy to search them out with a little direction. I'll add any I find on my own as well.
Thanks for posting the Clinton thread Dave. I just read it, what a nut job. That guy had some serious OCD.
What a way to spend Saturday morning! At least I got to smoke 2 cigars in a row while reading the Bill Clinton thread! I even went on a tangent and found out more about other important issues you guy/gals have gone through.

Thanks for allowing me to be here, I feel greatly humbled by all the vast experience here.

Thank you Rod and all the rest of the CP community members.

Forcible Entry ('cause I can't even sign up correctly :laugh: )
I just have one question to ask, first I humbly ask you all to start being nice to me. I am just asking. Second I checked my new Vinotemp and the humidity seems to swing from 65.432 all the way to 65.433 and I am deeply troubled by it. Thirdly I need to ask you all to be nice to me I ave not done anything to elicit the ill will and bad feelings thrown at me by the older board members. No I have to go fly. I have just one question to ask the flight instructor though. While I am flying will me altitude affect the stick in the Vinotemp. Gosh I'm worried, Phil just gifted me a Curlyhead and I don't wish it ruined.
Thanks for the links. Would have never thought to search for some craziness like that. Sheds some light on many other posts I have read through.
Geez guys, read up dammit!! There's a reason these FOGs whoop our asses, and here are just a tiny handful of examples.

*BUMP for history lesson.

There used to be a B/S/T's Greatest Hits and Misses Thread that was pinned by Mr. Wong, until he became one of the shining stars in the thread, but that's another story for another time... :whistling: Goes to show, you are only as good as your last transaction.

You can have the reputation of a celebrity on here, but that can be dashed away in an instant. I always follow these three rules when (rarely) wronged by a BOTL:

1.) Go to the BOTL. Handle it at their level, and don't spread rumors to your buddies.
2.) If it doesn't work out, go to an older BOTL on here for advice.
3.) If that doesn't work, go to a FOG for mediation. If the FOG feels Rod should be involved, it will be done.

So far (knock on wood), I haven't had too many problems using this method, and everything has come to a successful end.

FOGs are here for new guys like us to provide wisdom, guidance, and the occasional yank on the ear to tell us "slow the hell down." Respect them, and don't snub your noses at em'. Good thread fellas. Ol' Clinton was a sheisty feller... :laugh:
Dang, I found that thread Jon, but as you probably already know I guess the pertinent info that was originally in the starting post was removed. Oh well, it still gave me some things to search around for. More links coming soon!

Here we go:

gogoguava's "Cohiba Esplendidos"

Danforz's "Seeking Rare Fuentes"

Deleting Content Valuable to CP- This one was a great read into the views of a lot of FOG's on the impact of deleting or editing out content from posts, as well as things such as reviews. I know this one is probably still a touchy subject, but for us noobs it is a good learning experience.

Cory's Patriots 2008 Meltdown

LouTam's VR Famosos GB Fiasco- How not to conduct a GB, and why FOG's are wary of us noobs organizing a big money, massive GB.

SamClemmons' Bomb and Trade Acknowledgement Protocol- This thread was excellent for me when I first came here, as I had made the mistake of posting the contents of a bomb I received. I didn't know that it was frowned upon, but luckily Loren PM'ed me and let me know my error. I did some searching afterwards and found this thread, which put it all into perspective.

LGHT Thread - Why communication is key, and how a lack of it can result in a very rapid downward spiral.
Yeah, I read some of the Wilkey mealtdown. It was a bit of a shame because he had a lot of good info to share, and then things went horribly wrong. Thanks for the links Charles, now I've got a bunch more stuff to read. Maybe some Sunday reading. :) I like where this is going!
Bump for the most recent batch of newbies. Welcome to the CP class of 2010. :laugh:
I personally think you shouldn't need to read meltdown threads so you can act proper on CP. It should already be instilled into by this time
to act civilized and always do the right thing. I never had to read any threads so I could learn how to act properly on CP. Even with how
screwed up my family is, mom and dad taught us from right and wrong. But reading those threads is sort of entertaining and at the same
time, pretty sad and pathetic to see grown ups that can't either see nor comprehend they should always be stand up and honest.

Most problems can and should be resolved by a PM. If its a personal issue or someone makes a mistake, a PM should be sent.
Of course if its a real bad screw up, then the community needs to know.

That is how I look and approach CP. :thumbs:
To me it isn't the meltdown as much as how the FOGs handle it that is worth learning from. I agree entirely that people should act civilized. I've met enough clueless, sense of entitlement, self important pricks to know that there are many more of them out there than we would like to believe.

Still, lots of other good lessons here about due diligence, over thinking the simple, deleting content, bomb protocal, etc.

I forgot about that "frequency of puffs" thread. Grab your stopwatches, everyone. :rolleyes:

I don't even want to search back to some of my first posts though. I'm sure I've asked plenty of dumb questions.

Just happy to be here,