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Partagas 150 Signature Series B


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2008
Partagas 150 Signature Series B

Year released: 1995

Length: 6.5 inches

Ring: 47

Wrapper: African Cameroon; 18 yrs old when rolled
(15 years forward to 2010, and this wrapper is approx 33 years old).

Binder: Mexican

Filler: Dominican and Mexican

I was very fortunate to be gifted this cigar from a CP brother. I have not smoked one since their release back in 1995. At that time, I had smoked quite a few of them. I remember them being rich, sweet, and very well balanced. I have always had very fond memories of this cigar so it goes without saying that I am very excited to have the opportunity to smoke it. Let's see how the years have treated these..

Before I started formalizing this commentary, I thought it would be fun to check the internet for reviews of this cigar. Those that I found, and cared to read, all waxed lyrical. So much so that they actually lost credibility with me. I almost get the sense that the reviewer feels obligated to say that it was one of the greatest cigars he ever smoked. As if he has to fit in, and if he doesn't give it uber high marks, he is not cool, not hip, not sophisticated, etc.

The cigar did light up easily, had a perfect draw, and burned with a shallow cone. The first few puffs were predominantly a combination of the rich cameroon, a musty component, and a bitter element that plays off of the sweetness of the blend. I'm happy that the cigar has retained plenty of flavor, although it is not as sweet and rich as I remember. There are some subtleties of white pepper and orange peel playing on the palate, but the predominent flavors remain for most of the first third of the cigar.

The beginning of the second third pretty much follows the profile of the first third. The mustiness is gone. The cameroon is still rich and delicious. Approaching the last third, the binder and filler tobaccos start to overpower the wrapper just enough to detract from the experience. I.e., the wrapper is no longer the star of the show.

I have a pet peeve that I will admit. I have grown weary of all the lanceros hitting the market. I submit that the manufacturers are filling a shape niche, with the furthest thing from their mind being showcasing a wonderful wrapper. This wrapper is a perfect candidate to be rolled into a Lancero. What I find perplexing is that the samples of the 160 that I smoked did not share any of the characteristics of this 15 year old cigar. They were basically flat and bland to the point that I had to struggle to get any idea if the nature of the cigars flavors.

The final third is starting with a bit more body. I can tell at this point that the cigar has given me it's best, and to go on further seems fruitless. I decided to stick with it a while longer, to see how the flavors went. No redemption. This cigar is done.

Overall, I'd simply say that the years have been good to this cigar, but that it was a lot better young.
If I was a CA weenie, I'd probably give the cigar a 90. As to whether or not I would pay 20 or 30 bucks for another one, I myself would not. That said, you may smoke it, and determine that it is a stellar smoke. Recommended only to those who have deep pockets for cigar tuition, or those who smoked it upon the initial release, and are obsessively curious to how they smoke now.
Nice job Dan.

I smoked one of these 10 years ago as the New Millennium Ball dropped and didn't share in your enthusiasm my friend....:laugh:....I have one left, I guess I should fire it up.
Nice job Dan.

I smoked one of these 10 years ago as the New Millennium Ball dropped and didn't share in your enthusiasm my friend....:laugh:....I have one left, I guess I should fire it up.

Thanks, Gary.

Yes, I think it most likely peaked some time back. Smoke it! :D