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Group Bombing


Meat is murder! Tasty, tasty murder.
Oct 25, 2005
During the last 3 weeks I have been approached quite aggressively to participate in some type of group activity here at CP. I'm not going to "out" anyone here. None of this is worth someone getting piled upon. It's just stuff that I think needs to be said.

One of the requests was accompanied with the following comment: "I notice you haven't bombed anyone in awhile" followed by a proposition suggesting the kinds of cigars I should send!!! This was sent to me by someone I have never dealt with in any way. I found this distasteful and personally offensive. I've been given an apology, which I appreciate.

The other requests weren't quite as bothersome, though two of them did have a "suggested" contribution to the cause that was fairly lofty.

First: Don't approach someone by calling out their apparent lack of bombing activity. There is a lot of stuff that goes on behind the scenes here. Don't assume that because you haven't seen it it's not happening.

It's none of your GD business anyway.

If someone is putting together a group effort to hit/help out a BOTL I appreciate the invite. I like to spread goodwill as much as the next guy.

In doing that, I will send what I deem appropriate. "Suggesting" someone send anything specific is not really how this sort of thing should work. It puts pressure on people and may make someone feel pretty poorly if they can't send what's suggested. Throwing on the "but I'm sure they'll appreciate anything you send" line after making such a suggestion doesn't really help. It's almost backhanded in and of itself.

If you don't know and trust the person you're approaching enough to have confidence in what they send, you shouldn't be approaching them. If you're approaching complete strangers you shouldn't be making any assumptions about what they can send.

Group bombs are fun. It's great to see someone get their behind handed to them. They should be handled differently than the last few with which I've been approached, though. Maybe a "Hey, a bunch of us are going to hit so and so next week. Wanna play?" would work. There's no need for anything else.

Nobody should ever be pressured into giving a gift. It's not really a gift if it's not actually "given" is it?

Then again, maybe I"m just becoming a surly bastage.
No you're not a surly bastige! There may be some who would argue the point but you are correct. Asking for help in a group bomb should be handled with a request with no parameters. I know some people who have been taken care of by you without any publicity. Did i win. :laugh:
I agree, a simple "Do you want to participate?" should be enough.
One of the requests was accompanied with the following comment: "I notice you haven't bombed anyone in awhile" followed by a proposition suggesting the kinds of cigars I should send!!! This was sent to me by someone I have never dealt with in any way. I found this distasteful and personally offensive. I've been given an apology, which I appreciate.

Alan, clearly you just need some advice on how to be an upstanding CP member :rolleyes: . Follow the advocate's plan and send what they want, then they can let everyone know they planned it and a giant circle jerk can ensue.

Bombing is a personal choice and if people actually know how much of it I am doing then imo I am not doing it right. Think about it guys...
Outstanding Post, Allen. The audacity of some newbs. They have no clue what goes on around here.

One of the requests was accompanied with the following comment: "I notice you haven't bombed anyone in awhile" followed by a proposition suggesting the kinds of cigars I should send!!! This was sent to me by someone I have never dealt with in any way. I found this distasteful and personally offensive. I've been given an apology, which I appreciate.

The other requests weren't quite as bothersome, though two of them did have a "suggested" contribution to the cause that was fairly lofty.


I agree with you.

Let me know who sent you the first one as I truly find that one offensive. I want to keep an eye on them and see why they feel a need to infer that we have to participate because they deem we haven't.

The second one is equally offensive, who the hell gives anyone the right to tell anyone here at what level they should give a gift at!

This has to stop!
Alan, you are a surly bastage! :p Then again I'm an opinionated Wonk at times. :0
That being said I agree with what you have to say. I've been peppered with requests lately too. The part I find most discomforting is the requests for addys. I have a fair amount through general info, personal coorespondence, & Pass participant lists. Some people are very guarded about their personal info, especially their addy, so I'm not very comfortable giving it out to people, especially someone I haven't delt with, or someone who is new to CP. The content of the bombs should be left to the assembler and not coerced, as others have correctly added it defeats the purpose.
As for bombing - nearly every time a BOTL (or a Noob for that matter) comes to my home they go leave with a few bonus cigars, my version of the mini-bomb. Money is tight, but that doesn't mean the Brother/Sisterhood we share here does not go unexpressed just because I don't participate in bombing runs. Lately I'd just rather share a smoke with a B/SOTL on the patio than bomb; less expensive/hassle and the weather is great. :)
A little tact goes a long way in rallying participation. ;)
C'mon ya grumpy old Bastage! :laugh: I can't believe you're not joining in the "fun". In all seriousness Alan, I wholeheartedly agree with you. I got the same pm on the one with the "suggested cigars" that you did. I don't mind the invite, but I certainly don't agree with being asked to send certain cigars.....I just ignored the pm. The idea and the BoTL that it was going to were great, but to ask people to try and stay in a certain range of cigars is offensive.
Alan, you are a surly bastage! :p Then again I'm an opinionated Wonk at times. :0
That being said I agree with what you have to say. I've been peppered with requests lately too. The part I find most discomforting is the requests for addys. I have a fair amount through general info, personal coorespondence, & Pass participant lists. Some people are very guarded about their personal info, especially their addy, so I'm not very comfortable giving it out to people, especially someone I haven't delt with, or someone who is new to CP. The content of the bombs should be left to the assembler and not coerced, as others have correctly added it defeats the purpose.
As for bombing - nearly every time a BOTL (or a Noob for that matter) comes to my home they go leave with a few bonus cigars, my version of the mini-bomb. Money is tight, but that doesn't mean the Brother/Sisterhood we share here does not go unexpressed just because I don't participate in bombing runs. Lately I'd just rather share a smoke with a B/SOTL on the patio than bomb; less expensive/hassle and the weather is great. :)
A little tact goes a long way in rallying participation. ;)

Yes the patio is nice, just need the darn wind to die down... :D :whistling:
Alan - You are 100% correct in your assessment. We don't need cattle prods in order to bomb/support certain individuals. As I have stated many times, CP/BOTL/SOTL are some of the most generous people I have ever been around. Most of that generosity happens without people even knowing about it.
I have no problem with coordinated strikes................assuming there are no parameters as you stated Alan. Great post and yes, you are just a surly bastage! :thumbs:
Fine post Alan. I just hope that these bombs, whether solo or group, are not used to gain respect and acknowledgment within the community. There are alot of other ways to do this besides sending someone cigars.
There are activities that go unannounced on this board? Bullshit, I just think you're a Hawaiian shirt wearing bastard, so there.

I do agree with you Alan, but don't tell anyone.

Alan, you're making me thirsty.


Gentlemen, let's try to keep the group activities fun. :)

Gentlemen, let's try to keep the group activities fun. :)

Not the same RAF blokes I see around here... I'd rather work with these two!

Seriously, I thought we got to choose our own levels of involvement with CP, no harm, no foul. To imply what anyone isn't pulling their weight or anything like that seems pretty callous to me.

Different people have different circumstances, and I am sure plenty goes on behind-the-scenes. I’ve hosted a contest so far, but other than that my participation has been pretty limited. I’m reluctant to join a pass because of the transit time across the Atlantic, however I think a PIF pass would be alright. If someone is critiquing a FOG for something like this, it makes me wonder: are people out there holding my limited participation against me? I sure hope not, as that doesn't really seem in the spirit of Cigar Pass as a friendly community.

Back to reading more and posting less now. :)
Your post is absolutely appropriate and spot on, Alan.

How completely rude and uncalled for. No one knows what goes on behind the scenes. Insinuating otherwise is arrogant and a very bad assumption.

There's nothing wrong with "...we're bombing XXXX on the first of the month. It'd be cool if you could participate...." but anything more is out of line.

With the number of new guys on the forum, it's probably is worth repeating that bombs won't buy you any "street cred" around here. Your reputation has to be built over time. Throwing sticks at established members won't shorten the path. Being a consistent participant in the community will get you there just fine.

With the number of new guys on the forum, it's probably is worth repeating that bombs won't buy you any "street cred" around here. Your reputation has to be built over time. Throwing sticks at established members won't shorten the path. Being a consistent participant in the community will get you there just fine.

Right on the money.