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I Couldn't Take It Anymore


Ye Old Newbie
Apr 8, 2008
Both Presidential candidates are hard to swallow so I took matters into my own hands.....

Vote for Me!


Gary Roberti
aka - ironpeddler
Couldn't hurt, and that's all i'm saying. :cool:
Where were you 8 years ago ???
Is this like the Onion. No way a cple 100.000 ppl will ever steal an election from the big 2 parties and the industries behind the white house. Itf it were that easy Ron Paul would be our next president. Seeing as he would get close to 5-10% of the vote.
I'd have to know what your platform is,,,like will you repeal tobacco tax,,will you import Cuban Cigars,,,enquiring minds want to know?
Amazing! Had me smiling the whole way.

Go get 'em tiger! Obama ain't got nothing on you. :thumbs:
