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Oct 6, 2005
So today was a day to fire up some ribs. I got six half racks ready to go


... and I fired up my trusty WSM


... a few hours later and the ribs were looking real good


... and the apple wood in the bbq gave a wonderful aroma


... apparently the scent travelled for miles and attracted a cigarillo-smoking skunk (who came prepared with knife and fork... WTF)


... seems the skunk thinks he scored. C'mon Rod, get your paws off my freakin' ribs


... how 'bout that smokey pink ring, mmmmmmm


... Rod, wipe your mouth. Geez!


... finish my ribs and then raid my humidor for a Padron Millennium? SKUNK!


... well at least there was a Millennium for both of us (good thing Ashley wasn't smoking too)


Thanks for stopping by today.

edited to add... aren't you fuggers wanting to move to SoCal now?
Looks like a good time all around.

Because of this thread I will be grilling tomorrow.
You are guys are cheap. Fast food ribs with yard gars and the nerve to take pics. Chris, I'm very disappointed. :sign:

Looks just incredible, Chris. I thougt Rod only eats double-doubles.
Heh! All I could think of, was Laurel and Hardy,,,Abbot and Costello when I was looking at those pics Chris. :laugh:

Looks like a nice time guys.
Wow, the ribs look fantastic. The cigars look amazing! I don't know about the dudes in the pics though, they look sketch.

Looks like an awesome time. Can't beat SoCal weather, when it's below 50s here in VA!

Heh! All I could think of, was Laurel and Hardy,,,Abbot and Costello when I was looking at those pics Chris. :laugh:

Looks like a nice time guys.

Nah more like Bing Crosby and Bob Hope in any one of the "Road to..." movies. :laugh:

Looks like a great time gents. Thanks for sharing.
We're doing ribs today. With my luck, Cigarstone will show up in my back yard. :p
You found the illusive pink ring.....and ate it....I'm jealous :thumbs:

We're doing ribs today. With my luck, Cigarstone will show up in my back yard. tongue.gif

I'll bring the cigars :thumbs:
Breaking out the grill today myself, bought some steaks yesterday and it's time.

The ribs look great BTW.