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How to insert pics into posts


New Member
Sep 3, 2007
guys.......how do I add pics to a post? I've tried the search and gotten nowhere. I saw the link for BBcode and am more lost than before. Little bit of help please.............
you need to upload them on to a picture host website...such as Photobucket.com. then copy the IMG path into the insert image buttun on your post page. I am sure someone other then I can explain in greater clarity then I have attempted but this is what I do and thought maybe you could give it a try while you await the experts to chime in.

Check my other post below for a visual guide.

This should be the "easiest" way to post images, imo.

At the top of any CigarPass forum page, I believe you will see a list of links under "Gallery, Calendar, Chatroom" and so on.

This list of links should say something like the following: My Albums · My Controls · View New Posts · My Assistant · My Friends · 0 New Messages

Click on My Albums. On the left side of the page you will go two, you will see a navigation block/bar.

Then, you will see on the right a "New Album" button. Click on it.

Fill in the information in that form. Be sure to click the " Checking this box will allow other users to view your album" box if you want to let others be able to view your album. Otherwise your album won't be viewable to anybody else but you.

Click the "Create Album" button, and you should eventually be redirected to the "Welcome to your control panel" page.

You should see your new album name, and you should then also see a drop-down menu to the right of it. Click on that drop-down menu and select "Upload Image."

You will get to a page that says has a form kind of like a post reply/thread form. The "Caption" box will be the title of your image, and the big textarea will actually be your caption. Then at the bottom of your form, you should be able to see a "Browse" or "Choose File" type area. That's where you can click on that button and choose your image.

After you click "Upload Image," you should then be directed to the page for the picture you've just uploaded. To the right of the picture, you will see a box that is titled "Hotlinking & BBCode." The first line in that box should say "BBCode:" and should have a textbox to the right of "BBCode:." Copy the entire contents of that textbox and then post what you've copied into your post.

And there you go... you've got your pictures hosted by CigarPass and the code already written for you. Added bonus in hosting your pictures on CigarPass is that others can leave comments on them in your album!

Hope this helps and wasn't too confusing.

Edit: Fixed a few things and added the first line.
Sorry for the double post, but I figured I might as well split the pictures from the description. CigarPass might look a bit different in these pictures than it does on your computer. I use Mac OS X with Safari 3. The red boxes and underlines were added in by me to put your eyes in the right direction.

Step One: Click on "My Albums" at the top of the page.

Step Two: Click on the "New Album" button at the right side of the page.

Step Three: Fill in "Album Name" and "Album Description." The choose in which category to put your album. Also, if you want to let other members of CigarPass view your album, then you will need to click the check box in the "Public" row (see the thin red underline?). Click the "Create Album" button.

Step Four: After creating that album, you will be redirected to this page. Click on the "Select an operation" drop-down menu and click on "Upload Image."

Step Five: Next you will come to this page. Fill in the "Caption" box with the title for your picture and then the big textarea with the description of your picture. Then, choose the picture you want to upload (see the red underline). Note that what is above the red underline may be a bit different on your computer. Finally, click on the "Post Image" button.

Step Six: Now you should be at this page. Click on the textbox next to "BBCode:" and copy the entire contents of that textbox to your clipboard.

Step Seven: Now it's time to go post a reply or create a thread. Paste what you have just copied into the textarea of the post reply/create a thread page.

Now you're done! Just finish up your post and then submit it. Your pictures should show up just fine. Also, this way you can click on your pictures in your post and be directed to the picture in your album.

A quick hint: if you're putting multiple images in one post, use one browser window or tab to work with the pictures/albums and another window or tab to work with your post. This way you can swap back and forth between your post and your albums without losing what you've typed in your post so far.

Hope this helps!