how is it that just talking about sources is taboo yet cp has a page full of sources...
- wouldnt we say it is also potentially irresponsible of CP to have these links...
i mean heck CP lists these as their "reputable retailers" so why not open it up for us to talk about...
First of all the considerate thing to do around here when you come in is to introduce yourself to the board. You've obviously found a wealth of other knowledge in your short stay here so how is it you missed the "Introduce yourself Here" thread. As far as this not being open for discussion, Rod, the board owner and administrator has clearly stated that this isn't something we do here on our forum
so again it is clear that these "sources" are clearly looking for the CP internet seal of approval and they are clearly marketing their prodcuts to the USA market...
all i am saying is that if CP itself is going to have a list like this of vendors who clearly have taken steps to try to entice us Americans to violate federal trade statures...why not open it up for discussion...
otherwise i would still submitt that it is incongruent - disingenious to post such a list of links without allow members to freely discuss their creditials or merits.
im not the one giving out a list of links of compaines who are willing to sell cc's to the USA - CP is..
so since CP opens the door...all i am asking is why we cant walk though and discuss the subject from here...
Once again because we've been asked not to. As B.B.S. has so clearly stated, and you should already know, to purchase or have in your possesion, anything Cuban is illegal here in the U.S. There are many members of this board that are from all over the world, not to mention the people that come in and look over the forum and might see one of these vendors and order from them.....which is the purpose since they help cover some of the cost to run this board through their advertising.
all i am doing is questioning something on it's merits...
im down with "its their house so its their rules" but
when did being critcal or asking a question beomce a bad thing...
i just thought i would try to stimulate a more lofty topic for debate and discussion...
so if doing so gets me banned or booted and you have the pull to do so...then do what you have to do...
all i am trying to get it is the rationale that leads to these "no discussion rules" and at the same time having a list of "vendors" who implicity market directly to the USA.
What you do is simply that....up to you to do. If you want to take the chance and make a purchase, so beit, just don't discuss on OUR board how you do it. As for trying to stimulate discussion and debate on this topic, there will be none.
again...who's making or breaking rules...
THE RULE IS NO DISCUSSION OF SOURCES...and yet CP themselves - basically has a full listing of their own endorsed "reputable retailers" nearly all who make it clear they can, will, and regularlly do ship to the USA...
you tell me how that makes sense...
It makes sense because this forum isn't just seen in the U.S. and these retailers help to sponsor OUR board. What their shipping policies are or to whom they ship is at their discretion, it's up to you if you feel like breaking the law. As for who's making the rules....Rod is, the man that owns this board. This is a privately owned and operated forum so it's his discretion as to what may and may not be talked about on here. If you have a problem with a rule on here, then either keep your disapproval to yourself or just leave. This isn't the only cigar forum on the net, just the friendliest and best.....if you come in here and establish yourself as an asshat and cause waves with your 4th post, then your stay here will be short as I imagine it will be.The rules we have here aren't up for debate or discussion, their here for a purpose, not to be questioned., after stating these things, what the hell is so hard about understanding what has already been told to you multiple times already? Just leave now before you really start to get hammered by some of the other guys.