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Staff member
Jan 4, 2001
Dear Members,

As you have probably noticed, the past month has not been a very stable one, in terms of the uptime and reliability. I apologize for this. Here's what has happened...

Last month we switched to a new Hosting company, called www.l40.net, this is when the trouble began. The reason for the switch was due to an upgrade being performed at the data center that houses my server. So I decided in the meantime to simply move the site to a hosting company. This is when all the problems arose. www.L40.net has been nothing but a headache, nothing but problems. Tonight I went to visit CP, and received an error that the site has been suspended. I goto check my email, and I have the following email sitting in my box:
Your domain cigarpass.com has been suspended for several violations:

Your sites CPU usage has exceeded large amounts of Loads during long
sustained periods.

You also have nude pictures on your website.

You are allowing questionable behavior on your forums (ie. cursing,
sending "fecal" packages to others, etc.)

Please do not reply to this email. You must submit a trouble-ticket
in the Client Area with your solution to this problem so you can have
your site re-enabled.

Thank you for your cooperation in the matter.

L40.net Web Hosting
Support Services

By the way, when the hell did we start sending "fecal" packages to each other? The definition of "fecal" according to Webster is:
\Fe"cal\, a. [Cf. F. f['e]cal. See Feces.] relating to, or containing, dregs, feces, or ordeure; f[ae]cal.
Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.
adj : foul with waste matter [syn: feculent]

This is clearly no way to run a business. I have been with MANY hosting company's, and never have I encountered such behavior. What happened to the warning before they take down a site? No courtosy what so ever.

Luckily I was able to recover a backup of CP from last month (just before the move). That is what we are now running off of. Unfortunately, we lost about 1 month of forum data. It could have been worse, we could have lost 4 years of information, but we didn't.

CP is now back home in our own datacenter. The speed should have increased incredibly. Unfortunately, if you joined within the past 30 days, you will need to rejoin again.

I do promise to bring many more features to the site very soon. We will first start with the Chat Room and begin having regular chats again, and go from there.

The company that took CP offline is www.L40.net. If you wish to voice your displeasure to them, go for it. Their email address is Support@L40.net

Again, I apologize for the downtime and lost data. At least we are back on a FAST and RELIABLE server.

Kind Regards,

Rod Linsalato
I guess it's gonna take more than a day or so before everything's back to "normal".
This message is the only page I can access. Are we gonna have to delete cookies, history, etc. before we can get to the home page again, or is that all in the process of being restored?
I emailed the former hosting site last night. Can't believe they acted in such a high-handed, arbitrary manner!
It's all being restored. You shouldn't have to delete anything. The DNS is resolving, so everyeone should have full access within the next 24 hours.
thanks for the update! can't believe those assholes pulled this on you/us!
Rod, will send off a email just as as I log off here. Thanks for you work at keeping us alive.

This company also has a BB fourm at there website...Click Here

I suggest everyone log into that BB and bombard them with complaints also. This is complete BS!!!
I'm so pissed right now I can hardly type. If it weren't for Jeff taking the time and trouble to track me down over at CW I wouldn't even be here. Rod, this IS complete BS as Beast says. I'm sorry you're having to deal with this crap. I really don't even know what to say. I just want to thank you again for providing us this awesome site that we all enjoy so much. I'm going to email these self-righteous idiots right now with emphasis on the fact that it is inexcusable to take a site down without warning. AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does this mean all the posts in the previous month are gone for good? This is just sick. If by fecal matter, they mean dog rockets, then I guess technically, we're guilty. But in all seriousness, this is just an unbelievable circumstance. Great thanks goes out to those who are diligently trying to restore the community.

Aye caramba! I'm a CP newbie AGAIN!!!

On a lighter note, Phil's hard work posting is now shot... :0 He's gonna have a seizure when he sees this.
If you joined recently and lost a number of posts, please PM me and I will kick your post rating back up to what it last was.
LOL, I know, I've been a posting fool over the past month. I just broke 1000, LMAO!

Dear Rod,

Promoting the "bombing" of people with "Fecal" matter and other questionable practices is a liability for our company.

We will go ahead and comply with your request. Please direct your
attorney to our Terms of Service which "you agreed to" when you signed up.

You agreed that if your account is found to be in violation of anything
you will automatically be suspended.

Also, note the section regarding our attorney fees that you will be
responsible for.

Support Services
L40.net Webhosting


I just received that email from L40. They are convinced we are trading "****", literally.
So I lost ALL of my post padding from yesterday? That hosting company will pay damnit!

Seriously, I will send them an e-mail soon and just glad CP is back up and running again even with the loss of data.

Thanks for contacting us like you did Rod - I for one appreciate it and I will write them an e-mail here soon. The dicks.

well, for what its worth...here's my email.

To whom it may concern;

I have recently become aware of what has transpired
involving the website www.cigarpass.com which
currently/previously hosted. I have worked with many
Internet hosting companies over the course of my
career as a web developer / database analyst in the
Washington, D.C. area and personally find your
behavior regarding the aforementioned website

Generally, over the course of a month, anywhere
between 10 and 20 customers or associates ask me to
refer them to a reputable hosting company.
Apparently, to them, there are simply way too many
hosting companies out there and no way to narrow down
the list of possibilities. I can assure you that I
will never recommend your so called “business” to
anyone I ever come across and will make an extra
effort to ensure that no one I ever come into contact
with ever uses your services. Admittedly, I cannot see
how you expect to remain in business for very long
given the fact that you apparently lack all sense of
the term “customer service”.

Not even at the height of the Dot Com craze did I ever
come into contact with such a horrendously run

Regarding your suspension notice to the website’s
administrator, I would like you to please explain
exactly why you think the members of the site “send
fecal packages” to each other.
Rod said:
I just received that email from L40. They are convinced we are trading "****", literally.
You have GOT to be kidding me. What kind of monkeys are running this operation for them?! They don't have any proof of any kind regarding any violation.

While this is somewhat upsetting, I think we have to laugh at it a bit. But, if any of you guys send me any "fecal" matter in the mail, a downed web site will be the least of your worries. LMAO!!!! :sign: :sign:
what if everyone of us sent them a box of fecal matter ...

I'm sorry, despite the issues lately, that "assumption" of theirs is just too damn funny and I am laughing over here.

I think I can answer why they think we were sending **** back and forth though - the terms we use "dog rockets". Course if they couldn't see that we were refering to cigars with that term, then I have to question their reading comprehension.

Dumbasses - but sorry is kinda funny that they actually thought that.

I think they logged onto the "I got CRAPPED ON" pass and made an assumption we are all connosuires of $hit LMAO. Unbelievable!

Rod thanks for being on top of things, personnally I went nuts last night once I got the error message. Ahhh back at home with just a little hiccup.............

ROFLMAO.... someone at this hosting site needs to catch a clue
...too funny! I know its not funny to Rod..... but in a few months even Rod will be able to laugh at their stupidity. It'll be interesting to see if they reply to MHN's request for information as to "why they think we send fecal matter"

Oh and Rod..... I had about 5,000 post before the crash.
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