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The ACID reviews...


Bratwurst and Beer
Oct 6, 2005
Well the long dreaded moment has arrived. Wilkey, I'm sorry to inform you that the postman dropped off the tin of doom today.


I have no words to describe the funky smell that slaps you in the face when you open the tin...


I must admit however that Drew Estates does employ some skilled rollers, some of shapes in the box can not be easy to roll... such a waste of talent :p


And here is the first cigar Wilkey and I agreed to review...

"The Nasty" (and no my camera isn't out of focus, its the fumes from the cigar affecting the lens ;) )


And as total sacrilege (and pretty funny at the same time) I threw this into the tin to revive the dried out cigars I received from customs...
(I think I heard two tiny screams when I closed the lid... :0 )


So tomorrow, here in Germany, I'm going to light up "The Nasty" and give it a whirl... and shortly there after Brother Wilkey will be doing the same in Delaware. Our reviews (if we survive) will follow.

Halloween, hmmmm couldn't ask for a better day to try the evil that is ACID. :cool:

Stay tuned...
How sweet, you're getting "nasty" with each other.

Good luck, hope you survive :sign:
How sweet, you're getting "nasty" with each other.

Good luck, hope you survive :sign:

lol to be honest all the cigars smell the same... I'm hoping each one will be a bit different, but seeing that they all were together in the same box for god knows how long, I'm doubtful that will be the case.
OH MY GOD... :0
Don't do it Wurm, it's a trick to destroy your taste-buds.

Have the AVO LE5 or VSG instead. Your taste-buds will thank you.
I read you, Shawn. Satan willing, the Nasty will burn tomorrow. And you're right...they all pretty much smell exactly the same.

Looking forward to the reviews guys!
LMao and he thought I was going to volunteer to be his assistant unfortanately he thought wrong.
Well that was rather anti-climatic...

It turns out that "The Nasty" isn't nasty at all.


"Teh Nasty!"

It does however look like a big ass brown spliff...


"Ja Man.. pass it to the left hand side!"

Ok onto the review.

Wrapper: doesn't matter

Filler: doesn't matter

Binder: doesn't matter

Size: small

Pre light inspection: I chose "the nasty" for our first review due to both the name and the cool shape of the cigar (if you can call it that) Now as I mentioned above, all the cigars in the tin smell exactly alike. A muddled potpourri or a salt water taffy factory's trash bin smell.

But when I clipped it and dry drew it I tasted....




I thought to myself, "This can't be right, I should be tasting all types of weird shit." Nope, it tasted like air.

So I lit it up.


"Hmmmm why does this thing have less flavor than a Marlboro light?"



Nothing! So now I'm pretty confused. According to every thing I've read or heard about ACID cigars, this thing should be filling my mouth with all the wonderful flavors of the Dupont Chemical Dump. And it tastes like air ???

And other than a faint acidic aftertaste around the half way point... it stayed that way to the nub.


"See Tony... I really did smoke it lol"

So I start to get a sneaky suspicion and say WTF and right away lit up



This is the biggest cigar in the tin and comes pretty close to the biggest cigar I've ever smoked. It also smelled exactly like "the nasty".

And yep you guessed it... it also tastes like air. It was like smoking a huge 5 Vegas gold but milder.


"Ash Stand"

The construction on both cigars was close to perfect, however the nasty starts to feel like its made out of plastic as it gets warm. The Larry looks and feels like a real cigar and both cigars had a good draw. But they both tasted like I was sucking on a warm sock that just came out of the dryer. Not sickening per say, but not what a (normal) cigar smoker looks for when picking out cigar.

I smoked it down past half way with no change in taste and gave up.


Now back to my suspicion. I am thinking that since these cigars have been packed in the tin for so long, that the flavors have mixed to the point that they have nulled each other out. I'm sure this wont be true for all of the seven cigars left in the sampler, but I think Drew Estates made a big blunder in how these cigars are packaged. Each cigar IMHO should have been vacuumed packed before being sealed in the tin. That way the flavors couldn't have mingled to the point that every single cigar smells the same.

Ok Wilkey, I ended up picking both our first cigars due to me wanting to see if my theory was correct. The next two we smoke are on you bro. I'm very interest to see if the fact that my cigars sat opened in German customs for over a month affected the way they taste, but if both your "Nasty" and "Larry" taste like nothing I won't be surprised.

I must admit that the cigars not having any flavor at all, doesn't make me too sad. :p However, in a way I feel like I'm playing some warped version of Russian Roulette and the next cigar out of the tin might be the one that has me reaching for the barf bucket...

I think you lost all the nastiness of those in the drying out period in customs! You lucky bastard! I think poor Wilkey is going to have a much more revolting experience!
I think you lost all the nastiness of those in the drying out period in customs! You lucky bastard! I think poor Wilkey is going to have a much more revolting experience!

Can't say I'll be shedding any tears over it bro :laugh:
Give the Kuba Kuba a smoke next. I'd like to hear your "experience" :sign:
If that fucking Larry didn't have any flavor none of them will! They put more shit in those than I do my toilet! I'm surprised that those don't explode when you light them!
....They put more shit in those than I do my toilet!....
Coffee...out the nose over that one. Damn...that's funny.... :laugh:

Got to admit I'm surprised, though. I was gifted a "Krush Klassic" maduro and the damn thing tasted....really nasty. Like it had been soaked in Old Spice cologne and put away wet. Ewww..... :0

Rock on, gentlemen - B.B.S.
Yea I had something from drew estates ACK... made my stomach upset and my head spin.... Worst thing I have ever had, besides being hungover at the BBQ herf and smoking a WOP.....
Thus far, the only Drew Estates flavored cigar I've had in my mouth was the Blondie and it was sufficiently nasty that I did not even attempt to light it up. That was some time ago.

I will smoke these two tomorrow as our afternoon affairs took longer to resolve than I had expected.

Hot air....no flavor.....what the hell! Now I am all sad that these had to sit for so long. They have obviously lost that magic "up a clowns ass" specialness that they usually have. Oh well, still interesting to watch.