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LGHT I am calling you out...


Mar 11, 2002
What happened in the Secret Santa pass? What have you done to make right? Why haven't you publically appologized or even acknowledged anything dealing with this subject?
For everyone else, this isn't a post for you to roast his ass, so no need to jump his sh!t until we hear publically from him. Unless of course he doesnt respond to the PM I am sending him with a link to this thread.
Thin ice bro! And the "West Coast pass, several trades, 50+ trader comments on cw" you have at the bottom of your profile aint getting you very far!

Clock ticking. Somebody wake up the Master and have him dust off the Scumbag List. Over Christmas, of all things!!! Bad form.
The messages shown here have been read by the person they were sent to.

Message Title Message For Date Read
Read this thread please LGHT Today, 04:00 PM

Hmmm..... So he knows he's been called out in the forum.
Not looking too good for LGHT. What the hell is the problem? It only takes a second to address the issue.
The fact that Lght stiffed his Secret Santa recipient is no surprise after his Fuente masquerade.....
Not sure what the entire point of this whole thread is considering this was resolved almost a week ago. This whole post is very trivial and childish especially since not 1 person who was involved has even posted.

If ANYONE who is involved wants to discuss the issue please e-mail me and i'll be glad to leave my contact info and speak to them in directly.
LGHT said:
Not sure what the entire point of this whole thread is considering this was resolved almost a week ago. This whole post is very trivial and childish especially since not 1 person who was involved has even posted.

If ANYONE who is involved wants to discuss the issue please e-mail me and i'll be glad to leave my contact info and speak to them in directly.
You are missing the point. You didn't send your cigars out on time in the secret santa thread. People want to know what you have done to make things right. This will be handled publically so everyone will know what happened. SO what happened?

I don't have time nor care to address "peoples" curiousness unless they are invovled. If anyone INVOLVED wants to know why i'll be glad to follow up as I already have. This has nothing to do with the "public" nor YOU so if you looking for an explination your just going to have to keep looking.

Or you can go to www.getalife.com where you will find things to keep you busy as you obviously have nothing better to do.
Every community has outcasts and i think that just did it for you.
Sorry, but this actually does have to do with the general community of the forum, as we're all here to trade cigars.
LGHT said:
I don't have time nor care to address "peoples" curiousness unless they are invovled. If anyone INVOLVED wants to know why i'll be glad to follow up as I already have. This has nothing to do with the "public" nor YOU so if you looking for an explination your just going to have to keep looking.

Or you can go to www.getalife.com where you will find things to keep you busy as you obviously have nothing better to do.
Man you are a sad example. I hope you understand you don't belong here.
LGHT said:
I don't have time nor care to address "peoples" curiousness unless they are invovled. If anyone INVOLVED wants to know why i'll be glad to follow up as I already have. This has nothing to do with the "public" nor YOU so if you looking for an explination your just going to have to keep looking.

Or you can go to www.getalife.com where you will find things to keep you busy as you obviously have nothing better to do.
I read about the fact you didn't make good on a transaction that you said you would. I read it in a community in which I have a vested interest. So therefor it does involve me because you couldn't man up to your obligations. My vote is a lifetime ban for this fella.

Everyone involved?? OK, everyone who participated in Secret Santa raise your hand!! Mine's up.

Now I would like an explanation as I'm sure most of the people who raised thier hand would too. :whistling:
An asshat with an attitude....release the hounds
emodx said:
LGHT said:
I don't have time nor care to address "peoples" curiousness unless they are invovled.  If anyone INVOLVED wants to know why i'll be glad to follow up as I already have.  This has nothing to do with the "public" nor YOU so if you looking for an explination your just going to have to keep looking. 

Or you can go to www.getalife.com where you will find things to keep you busy as you obviously have nothing better to do.
I read about the fact you didn't make good on a transaction that you said you would. I read it in a community in which I have a vested interest. So therefor it does involve me because you couldn't man up to your obligations. My vote is a lifetime ban for this fella.


I second the vote, if admins are too stupid to realize not everything they read is true and give a person the benifit of the doubt than it's probably for the best. I have never stiffed anyone here or any other forum and no one has been stiffed in this situation either. I've already responded to all questions from anyone involved and IF the parties involved would like to share that information they are welcomed to, but I would like to give them the consideration of that option. Something that doesn't seem to be givent too often.
LGHT said:
emodx said:
LGHT said:
I don't have time nor care to address "peoples" curiousness unless they are invovled.  If anyone INVOLVED wants to know why i'll be glad to follow up as I already have.  This has nothing to do with the "public" nor YOU so if you looking for an explination your just going to have to keep looking. 

Or you can go to www.getalife.com where you will find things to keep you busy as you obviously have nothing better to do.
I read about the fact you didn't make good on a transaction that you said you would. I read it in a community in which I have a vested interest. So therefor it does involve me because you couldn't man up to your obligations. My vote is a lifetime ban for this fella.

A simple, "Hey guys, I messed up. I sent the package 3 days ago, here is the DC#" would have sufficed. But you went the the low road, basically telling us we don't deserve to hear what happened. That shit might fly over at CW with you 50 Traders Comments, but it doesn't mean anything here. We have our own standards. You either comply with our standards, or be dicared with the rest of the rubbish in the trach can. Your actions and your words speek volumes about your character.
I second the vote, if admins are too stupid to realize not everything they read is true and give a person the benifit of the doubt than it's probably for the best. I have never stiffed anyone here or any other forum and no one has been stiffed in this situation either. I've already responded to all questions from anyone involved and IF the parties involved would like to share that information they are welcomed to, but I would like to give them the consideration of that option. Something that doesn't seem to be givent too often.
Ouch, that's gonna leave a mark.
Thanks for pointing out that "I'm too stupid...". You are clearly missing the whole point. This is a tightly knit community, where a lot of money is at stake (every single day), as well as the reputation of CigarPass. If we allow users to conduct poor trades and lack in effective communication, then what positive purpose would we be serving?

That's pretty sad you "second the vote" to have yourself banned. Clearly you don't give a damn about this community or it's members. Correct me if I'm wrong. Don't PM me, reply to me here.

If it's public that your trade was not acceptable at the other end, then how can you believe that it's no one else's business? As a community, everyone looks out for each other. Who really wants to trade with someone who can't communicate effectively? I understand if things are busy, or if the box was misplaced, etc. Open communication would have sparred you from public humiliation. It's really quite simple. You decided to ignore everyone's PM's, therefore that makes you look guilty. I'm sure you saw the thread in the SS forum, why didn't you just give an update? Instead, you ignore the situation at hand, and make things worse. To answer your PM, yes, this is how I handle situations in real life; again, I believe in open communication.

Rod, for gosh sakes do this guy and us a favor and heave his sorry a$$ out onto the curb. Even if you don't ban him, he's PNG as far as I'm concerned. This is the most egregious and insolent case of "not getting" it I've seen in my short time here.
