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Trader comments?


New Member
Oct 14, 2005
I have a noob question...Is there a place on CP that you can post or read trader comments? I've looked and looked and cannot find them. TIA for any answers
Actually Peat I'm in the process of doing the newb sampler trade now. What I was wondering about is concerning trader comments after a trade is completed. I'm only familiar with the trader comments on CF where you can go in and look at a persons trading history from the comments past traders have left. I was wondering if there was also a place here where you can view/post comments on someones trade.
Aashton said:
Actually Peat I'm in the process of doing the newb sampler trade now. What I was wondering about is concerning trader comments after a trade is completed. I'm only familiar with the trader comments on CF where you can go in and look at a persons trading history from the comments past traders have left. I was wondering if there was also a place here where you can view/post comments on someones trade.

We don't have trader comments here. Usually the bad traders are quickly called out by the FOG's around here. If you are not sure usually you can ask and people will let you know. Also, some traders put their histories in their profile.

If you screw someone around here, you not only get called out, but followed to other boards. The FOGs here are very good about not letting that kind of stuff go on at CP. If you have a question about someone you're doing a trade with, ask around about them first.
Mr Peat said:
If you are new and wanting to get in on a trade. Visit this part of the CP.


I can say...They will take care of you and then some. :D

Thanks Peat just the info what I was looking for as well! Not that you haven't told be already telling a newb twice never hurts. Info overload :blush:
I think trader comments are one of the biggest jokes :laugh: Very similar to eBay "feedback" for the most part it's all bull$hit in the first place. Almost all trades or group buys work out fine and when they don't, the offender gets "called" on it pretty quickly. At least around here anyway. Over on CigarWeekly, they lock and delete threads when people start raising concerns about a member's trading habits.

Another thing about "trading comments" is that most people, (in particular nooblers) have NO IDEA they're getting screwed. For instance some noob wants Añejo 48s so some guy on CW will offer him a fiver for $80.00. The guy sees them going regularly on CBid for $140.00 for five so he thinks the seller gave him a great deal and sings his praises in a trader comment:

"Joe Bloe hooked me up with some GREAT cigars for a GREAT price!!!! Trade with confidence. :thumbs: :thumbs: Two thumbs up, Fast ship. Would do business with again."

Of course the stupid bastard has no clue he got raped on that deal because MSRP for one Añejo 48 is $8.00 :rolleyes:
Back in the day before trader comments even exsisted, people would start a thread entitled " Is so and so a good trader ". People would chime in and the originator of the thread would get the info he was looking for.

Trader comments in my opinion are pretty much useless. There are so many bad traders who do not have bad comments posted about them, because the people who experienced the bad trade are either lazy, or afraid the old guy with all the comments will get his buddies to jump the new guy.

There are obviously many exceptions, I know a ton of guys over at CF who have incredible trading records. I also know that the trader comments over at Cigar Weakly are suspect because of their policy to protect theives and scumbags.
The Master said:
Back in the day before trader comments even exsisted, people would start a thread entitled " Is so and so a good trader ". People would chime in and the originator of the thread would get the info he was looking for.

Trader comments in my opinion are pretty much useless. There are so many bad traders who do not have bad comments posted about them, because the people who experienced the bad trade are either lazy, or afraid the old guy with all the comments will get his buddies to jump the new guy.

There are obviously many exceptions, I know a ton of guys over at CF who have incredible trading records. I also know that the trader comments over at Cigar Weakly are suspect because of their policy to protect theives and scumbags.
I will agree with the Cweekly TCs...just look at Scubakeith...that guy screwed something like six guys out of some clubs and only one or two left a negative TC after I did.
Master, I've had something like that happen to me over at CF. Guy ended up making good on the deal, but it took a good long while. He had nothing but pos feedback and no way was I going to write somethin bad being a noob there. I wondered to myself tho how many times that had happened and how much of a diff it would have made had someone posted: Did a deal with _____ and he was very slow getting pmt out. It wasn't until I had SSd 3 different times that he decided to make it right. Now a post like this has more than one benifit. 1) it allows others to be on notice that this particular person has the potential to be very late w/ pmt 2)a tc such as that would probably put some fire under this fellas butt for the next trade/buy. But like you said, most decent people don't like making others look bad, even if it's what should be done. And noobs aren't posting neg for any reason on a veteran. Unless of course you're patiofurniture...LOL
Aashton said:
Now a post like this has more than one benifit. 1) it allows others to be on notice that this particular person has the potential to be very late w/ pmt 2)a tc such as that would probably put some fire under this fellas butt for the next trade/buy. But like you said, most decent people don't like making others look bad, even if it's what should be done. And noobs aren't posting neg for any reason on a veteran. Unless of course you're patiofurniture...LOL

LOL Aasthon this newbee concurs well put follow up to Masters insight.
We do not have a trader comment section at CP. Member ratings are a joke and a total waste of time and resources. Like CC said, look at EBay. Having to manage something like that is a major headache and not worth the time. If the member has been at CP for a year or more, you can pretty much count on them being honest. If they screw someone, they are called out immediately and banned. Or, just ask someone who's been here for a while if you need references.

We don't delete posts like the other forums do. Everyone here is accountable for their own actions.
AAshton - here's a good read for you from the last time someone asked...

Should We Have Trader's Comments...

And of course this post...

Changes to CP...

The crux of that post was this:

a lot of members may wonder why the Trader Comments & Bombs Away forums have disappeared. I sure someone more eliquent and well-spoken then me could say it nicely - but to bottom-line it for you, these forums were being abused. No one would post anything but glowing comments on anyone they traded with and it was getting ot the point where all a newbie had to do was send out a couple of packages and they were considered to be an honest member in good standing by all.

Now, I'm not saying that 95% of all newbies aren't 100% geniune, and sure it's nice to make a public note of a successful trade - but these forums were just starting to get out of hand.
Good info there GG, thx. I do have one ques about it however...What was the problem with Secret Santa? I think I have an idea, just wondering.
Most members cite references in their profiles, and as someone else said, sumbags are chased off summarily. So your only risk would be a guy turning heel on you and that's even more rare than the garden-variety scumbag.
Aashton, pm me the guys name who messed with you at CF. We haven't had a good lynching in a while over there. LOL
I've changed my mind on trader comments a bit. I'd still like to have them, but my reason has changed... they do let you easily keep track of whom you traded with, for what, and when.

In terms of usefulness in determining a good trader vs. a bad trader, if I look at someone's trader comments on CF and they have dealt successfully with people I know, that gives me some reassurance.

It certainly isn't the final word, but is it better than nothing? I think so, but I don't think it's a big deal. I don't trade with people until I've seen how they interact on the boards, and get to know 'em a bit anyway.

When in doubt, ask them to send their end first.