A very large Humi

He's just re-purposing waste product that would otherwise be thrown away. This is a very common practice across all industries, to try to turn the waste product from their primary activity into an asset. I say bravo.

Yeah, but HM isn't in an industry, it's a hobby. This is a cigar forum we're not customers, customers go to the industry. When the industry goes to the customer, it's called advertising.

If he wants to sell something to someone, he should offer via PM instead of advertising his wares in multiple threads... there's a forum for that located here.

You've obviously not been paying attention either. HM does most of his posting in the retailers forum because he is a retailer. When he first came here, he was a "hobbyist" that quickly turned into a business with the prospect of a cigar forum as a clientèle. So, no he shouldn't be offering things via pm, but through the retailers forum like you stated.

Before you go correcting someone, make sure that you're also right and know the full story!

That's what I was getting at with hobbyist, you said it better "hobbyist", well put. I understand he is a retailer, he's not being smart with it, as we can both agree. You're right, PM would not be ideal; however, If this were my thread, I'd rather him PM me instead of jacking the thread with such a hypersensitive matter of contention. If I didn't like the PM I could go to an Admin. and have it resolved. I believe we are both on the same page with this. Thank you for the correction.
He's just re-purposing waste product that would otherwise be thrown away. This is a very common practice across all industries, to try to turn the waste product from their primary activity into an asset. I say bravo.

Yeah, but HM isn't in an industry, it's a hobby. This is a cigar forum we're not customers, customers go to the industry. When the industry goes to the customer, it's called advertising.

If he wants to sell something to someone, he should offer via PM instead of advertising his wares in multiple threads... there's a forum for that located here.

You've obviously not been paying attention either. HM does most of his posting in the retailers forum because he is a retailer. When he first came here, he was a "hobbyist" that quickly turned into a business with the prospect of a cigar forum as a clientèle. So, no he shouldn't be offering things via pm, but through the retailers forum like you stated.

Before you go correcting someone, make sure that you're also right and know the full story!

That's what I was getting at with hobbyist, you said it better "hobbyist", well put. I understand he is a retailer, he's not being smart with it, as we can both agree. You're right, PM would not be ideal; however, If this were my thread, I'd rather him PM me instead of jacking the thread with such a hypersensitive matter of contention. If I didn't like the PM I could go to an Admin. and have it resolved. I believe we are both on the same page with this. Thank you for the correction.

Well it was my thread and I agree with both of ya on all you said
NP Cedar you didn't hi-jack at all. It did bother me in a thread I started that HM wanted to sell me some chips, instead of offering ideas but thats an animal all by itself and gonna leave it at that, and let the others deal with it. I am going to most likely going to use Mahogany and tongue and groove the pieces together. Then after that to reduce the cost of this massive project in SC I will recess 4"x1/4"x36" boards. How I am laying them out I haven't thought of a design yet. But if you can mentally picture it, it will be a humidor inside the fridge. I want to recess puter fans on top of the box to get airflow going from the underneath to top to hopefully get rid of dead spots and to get airflow. My plans for this box is going to be for the aging process and damm this forum rocks everyday I am getting new ideas. Yeah I might of been an ass in the past, but I was just defending myself. I at least owe myself that, my grammar punctuation and sentence formation might not be the greatest, but its legible and understandable. I do need to thank alot of the guys on this forum and some threads that have given me great ideas. Okay enough banter

So you want to line the the interior walls of the fridge?

Spanish cedar prices are not that bad if you're alright about going with plywood to line the intereior.
Basically yes but there is going to be a gap between the Mahogany and the actual fridge walls and bottom, so this way I can get the airflow from the bottom of the internal humidor to the top of it. Going to drill small holes thru the bottom of it in various areas depending on the lay out.
Sounds like a difficult task. You could consider sectioning it off with wood instead of lining the whole thing. You could make 1/2 for boxes and 1/2 for singles, or maybe 3/4 for boxes and 1/4 for singles; either way, you could incorporate some wood into the system with shelves and sections. It's all insulated and sealed so you don't need to worry about air coming in, you should think about how your going to allow some air get out. You don't want an air tight humidor.

What are you planning to use to monitor the system?
I haven't gotten that far yet, I am basically getting a game plan started in ideas and ironing out the works. Right now I have graph paper and working on an inside pattern to make it nice looking. Will probably just use one of those indoor/outdoor monitors in a wire and place the outside one inside the humi. I need to post another thread for a little help on something else dealing with Spanish Cedar. On top or the sides of this box I am going to place small fans from computers to get air flow moving is one idea rolling around to alleviate dead spots. I like the idea of using plywood as a substrate for the maybe 1/4" and laying the Mahogany and SC with tongue and groove. I was also thinking to inlay gold wire between the sheets for more accent. I mean this is going to be my ultimate cigar holder might as well make it that way. Now here is the kicker the other day I was dropping off one of my boys and it was junk day. Now since I joined this sinful forum and I mean that in a good way, cause its opening my eyes to things I would of normally not known. I passed by this heap of things thrown out and I seen this table looking thing and I thought to myself that might make a nice table humidor so I stopped and looked. On further inspection the wood looked alot like SC and it wasn't heavy at all, but it was cracked on 1 side thru the slab of wood. So I took it and cracked it apart and I got a whiff of faint SC I was excited what a great find and for free. I was going to take it and use it to design trays I can easily make 20 and have left over wood. I want to get the wood back to its original ol smelly way that we love so much so I need help there. Was thinking to all the pieces find another cooler and place them inside and put alot of distilled water inside and hopefully regain that smell back. I want to bath it in the water but I heard that is not good to do, what are your ideas or opinions on this. I am also gonna post this in the Lobby area for additional ideas.
I think pictures may help spur input from others in this project of yours.
You had a house fire?!
Man, I'm so sorry that happened to you, everyone alright?
I'm very sorry to hear of your loss. On sept. 11, 2000, 3 kids arson my business and burned it to the ground. It was their retaliation for me turning them in to police for stealing a friends truck. For me, the hardest part was sifting through the rubble and realizing all the personal things I had actually lost. I truly know what you are going through. My prayers are with you. Can I send you some cigars at least?
That's hard bro. I'm glad everyone got out. I would like to send you some cigars as well, if that's alright with you and the fam.
Everyone is fine, 4 of the cats didnt make it and 2 of them were pregnant. I was cooking at the time it happened and I heard people yelling "WATER!!". I had no idea what was going on. I went running down the hall with family running towards me. When I get ino the bedroom all I seen was fire engulfing my sons crib and going up the wall. The best I could of one was get water and attempt to put it out, ran back outside fast seen all were out and ran back in to try addng more water. Ran back out got more fresh air, ran back in my wife gave me a fire exstinguisher wrapped a towel around my nose & mouth and gave it 1 more shot. Well that didnt work so well, the smoke was about 5 ft from the ground, and it was hard to see and breathe below the smoke line. So basically my brain said get the F out so I listened, and sat across the street and had every emotion come flooding in watching eveything we owned go up. Heard things exploding and wondered what would make it and what wouldnt. And then for the rest of the next few hours, sat and thought what do we do next. For the next week sifting thru ashes sucked, I did find the metal emblem that was on the Comacho box and 6 cigars that did make it out of the 200 in the coolidor, its pretty wierd during a fire, to see what makes it and what dont. But as you can see we are still alive and breathing, messed up thing is the following week the wife took a pee test and its positive another baby on the way. And yes I would gladly accept cigars from anyone who would send them. I thought about all the smokes I lost days after the fire and I was like dammit, but then turned to the wife after her asking whats wrong, my simple reply was "damm I hated those bath towels" and chuckled. I can go on, but this is kinda long as it is. I do believe my address is on my profile but I will check and post it if isnt.
A little something to help ease the pain. Here's the DC#03093220000015330018. My prayers are with you and your family. I hope this is a nice start to your new collection. :thumbs:
Thanx a bunch HM, I know what your sending is from the heart. This means alot to me, and will always be remembered. I am the giving type, and the gf tells me I am a goofball cause of the way I am, that when something is given to me it hits home. Like for instance inside the coolidor was a wooden cigar box she got me from a thrift store it cost a buck, but it was a gift from her to me, cause she knows how passionate I have become for cigars and now it is gone. That hit me hard in its own way. Ok I am getting all sentimental and crap like that time to end this lmao.
