How do you light your cigar?


New Member
May 14, 2010
I was watching a movie a couple weeks ago and one of the characters was saying that you should never light a cigar with anything other than a wood match. Before I saw this movie, I had always thought the same thing because when I was young my grandfather did the same thing. He smoked about a pack of cigarettes a day and always used a lighter. But as soon as he pulled out a cigar, he would dig into his box of wood matches. Now, I am sure this is just preference. But I am curious if anybody else follows this "rule" or has this "quirk"?

Think the movie was Hellboy btw.
I just use a butane lighter. Also, this has been discussed ad nauseam, so you can probably search for it. ;)
I just use a butane lighter. Also, this has been discussed ad nauseam, so you can probably search for it. ;)

:\ I think I am having some trouble with the search feature on this site. I searched for "light cigar", "wood matches", and "light" and nothing jumped out. Mostly seemed like random threads about different cigars.
An advanced search for "how do you light" with the "search only titles" box checkmarked gave this:


Woops... Evidently you can't link search results...

Search result 1

Search result 2

Search result 3

Search result 4
An advanced search for "how do you light" with the "search only titles" box checkmarked gave this:


Woops... Evidently you can't link search results...

Yeah . . . I just tried to link a Boolean (light + cigars + match) search for him and it wouldn't do it, either.

I usually cast a sacrificial spell to summon the demon lothar beedogazer. He takes care of the whole thing from there
Once I got my hands on a Blazer PB-207 torch, my other lighters have been getting little to no use. This sucker is the bomb.

I love how somebody posts a basic noob question followed by somebody telling them to use the search feature followed by an interesting discussion on the original topic, which is pretty much the whole purpose of a message board.
I love how somebody posts a basic noob question followed by somebody telling them to use the search feature followed by an interesting discussion on the original topic, which is pretty much the whole purpose of a message board.

I agree. What a prick that Souldog guy is. :rolleyes:
I love how somebody posts a basic noob question followed by somebody telling them to use the search feature followed by an interesting discussion on the original topic, which is pretty much the whole purpose of a message board.

Usually a newer guy chimes in with just what you said too. The thing is, after the 20th time you see the same discussion you will be a little jaded too. Thats why I usually just pretend we are talking about something else entirely and respond accordingly.

I also agree that after the last episode we can certainly empathize more with Jacob's nemesis. It seems fairly obvious why he is pissed off given the events that transpired, although it still isn't clear exactly where things are going regarding the island/candidates etc.
I love how somebody posts a basic noob question followed by somebody telling them to use the search feature followed by an interesting discussion on the original topic, which is pretty much the whole purpose of a message board.

I agree. What a prick that Souldog guy is. :rolleyes:

Yeah, this really turned into an "interesting discussion" with elements of conversation that have NEVER been discussed before in any of b. dawg's linkys... What a prick I am for responding to his question, then helpfully pointing him in the right direction to use the little search box. :rolleyes:
I love how somebody posts a basic noob question followed by somebody telling them to use the search feature followed by an interesting discussion on the original topic, which is pretty much the whole purpose of a message board.

I agree. What a prick that Souldog guy is. :rolleyes:

Yeah, this really turned into an "interesting discussion" with elements of conversation that have NEVER been discussed before in any of b. dawg's linkys... What a prick I am for responding to his question, then helpfully pointing him in the right direction to use the little search box. :rolleyes:

Gee... I feel so special having you give me your surname.... b.dawg... I think I shall have Tod change it for me..
I love how somebody posts a basic noob question followed by somebody telling them to use the search feature followed by an interesting discussion on the original topic, which is pretty much the whole purpose of a message board.

I agree. What a prick that Souldog guy is. :rolleyes:

Yeah, this really turned into an "interesting discussion" with elements of conversation that have NEVER been discussed before in any of b. dawg's linkys... What a prick I am for responding to his question, then helpfully pointing him in the right direction to use the little search box. :rolleyes:

Gee... I feel so special having you give me your surname.... b.dawg... I think I shall have Tod change it for me..

I dunno. I think it is some sort of copyright infringement on Phil's brand since he was here first. I got something in the mail about being sued for "intellectual property" from him a week ago.
That's some BS. As long as "bee" and "dog/dawg" aren't used in the same conjunction, I see it as no infringement at all.
Obv should be "B.Dawgson" and you should make your avatar image002:

There ya go b dawgson, we have come to an agreement. ;)
See what I mean? Interesting ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ;)

Maybe I shouldn't have included the "about the original topic" qualifier. :sign: