Whip it out and show us!


el Presidente
Dec 16, 2003
C'mon guys (and gals), whip it out and show us... let's see some pics from your humidor, in whatever state of dress/undress it happens to be in currently (tobaccoly-speaking).
I'll start it off here... I'm really interested in seeing other people's humidors, and the cigars that are nestled safely within. Share the cigar pin-up shots!!

Here's my main humidor (no idea what brand it is) with a 50 cigar capacity, humidity at about 60%, and stuffed with the booty of my recent Padrón spending spree, with a couple of stray Cubans in the back. The smell is simply beautiful when I open it up. Ahhh...


This isn't really a humidor, but rather the box that the Montecristo Platinums I bought came in; it is actually meant to double as a humidor. I placed a wet cloth in it (away from the cigars) to keep it moist in the dry Northern USA winters. It is housing a mix of some stray Padróns, Montecristo Platinums (Dominican), Cohiba "extra vigoroso" (Dominican), Romeo y Julieta Edicion Limitada (Cuban), and Montecristo Edicion Limitada (Cuban).


(The Cubans have the bands off of them to thwart US customs -- picked them up in Germany)

I'll keep monitoring this make-shift humidor; if things start to dry out, I may have to get another real humidor.

Here is my coolidor. I need to take a newer pick as it has gotten even fuller....if that's possible ???
Here's my 3 plus the "freezador". First my 50 count


Followed by my 150 count...ISOM's to the right.


My 300, all maddies


And last but not least, my freezador for boxes only.


Still room for more....always room for more!!
WOW Steve,

I'd be happy to come to your house for dinner ANYTIME and help watch those cigars for you
Here is my baby. I got this one earlier this year and it replaced a 50, 75, 225 count humidors and 2 coolidors. I added the remote controlled interior lights myself.



AVB said:
Here is my baby. I got this one earlier this year and it replaced a 50, 75, 225 count humidors and 2 coolidors. I added the remote controlled interior lights myself.
Good lord! Where does one find a humidor like THAT???
moki said:
AVB said:
Here is my baby. I got this one earlier this year and it replaced a 50, 75, 225 count humidors and 2 coolidors. I added the remote controlled interior lights myself.
Good lord! Where does one find a humidor like THAT???
You find it at AVB's house! Dammit newbie, keep up! :angry:

Just kidding. That really is amazing. I would sleep in that damn thing.

It was a custom made one but not for me. The person that ordered it didn't pay the balance so I got it for about half of the asking price. There are a number of custom humidor makers if you are interested.
AVB said:

It was a custom made one but not for me. The person that ordered it didn't pay the balance so I got it for about half of the asking price. There are a number of custom humidor makers if you are interested.
I'm interested, but rather afraid of the price. Are there any non-custom made humidors of that size available anywhere?
Mine is a pretty good size at about 17 cubic feet counting the drawer space.

These two places are the best known for furniture grade humidors although they are not the only ones by far. I was looking pretty hard at the AH2000 model when I came across the deal on my humidor.


There is also the Verona on Cbid from time to time that is a "3000" count unit but only if you are storing mini coronas. You might want to look at the AV-2000 too. http://www.orleansgroup.com/hum_av2000.htm this link shows the wholesale price. I'll cost $1000-1100 depending where you live.
Hey, AVB, you ever need a house sitter, I'm your man!

No need to pay me either, the pleasre will be all mine!! :D
Well, my pics should be able to cure any humienvy! A little thin, but I'm working on it! :)

AVB said:
Mine is a pretty good size at about 17 cubic feet counting the drawer space.

These two places are the best known for furniture grade humidors although they are not the only ones by far. I was looking pretty hard at the AH2000 model when I came across the deal on my humidor.


There is also the Verona on Cbid from time to time that is a "3000" count unit but only if you are storing mini coronas. You might want to look at the AV-2000 too. http://www.orleansgroup.com/hum_av2000.htm this link shows the wholesale price. I'll cost $1000-1100 depending where you live.
not sure if this has been stated yet but I like the girl in your sig. Who is she?

I don't have a clue who my sig girl is. I just found her surfing around a few weeks ago and decide to add her to my sig. Trying to keep up with Fast4dr and Matt R :)
My humi...

2 Photos taken, two different layers...

Better ones is coming.... (getting a new camera :)

