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Wow... you freaking guys...


"Contest Master"
Nov 10, 2007
Ok, I'm relatively new around here, but not new at all to the cigar world. I've read this forum for a couple years but I never really had much to trade/discuss/etc. Finally, I decided to register and give it a go. Man, I'm glad I did.

I've done lots of trades already...

I split a box of CAO 65th Ann. Moda's with JHolmes763.
I traded some extra VSG's for Mephiston's Opus's (still awaiting his package... can't wait!).
I bought some CAO Amazon's from Azoetia.
I did a blind trade with Jack Straw for 6 extra Gurkha's I had.
I'm mailing Lurch my extra Xikar cutter tomorrow and he sent me some top-notch smokes.
I bought an Opus sampler from the shop Gmiranda33 runs in Florida.
I bought a 10 cigar sampler from the shop Hermit11 runs in Philly.

And.. I've got some trades/sales in the works on some loose end singles I had when I did humi clearing.

That being said....
every single person I've traded with has generously sent extras, for no apparent reason.

JHolmes763 sent me extras. Azoetia sent me extras. Jack Straw went nuts and mailed me smokes well worth what I sent him (plus a few I have never tried!). Lurch sent me some high end smokes well worth the Xikar cutter. I can't friggin' wait to see what Mephiston's got up his sleeve. Oh, and Gmiranda33 and Hermit11 both run classy joints -- both sent me their smokes faster than a rabbit on asphalt during Arizona's July, they were well packed, and all in top notch shape when they arrived.

Wow... just.... wow. You're all far too kind and let it be known... I know where you live, and your mailboxes are not safe. You've all got 1 revenge shot due, but I'm not gonna tell you when it's coming.
That's what it is all about jlada, friendships, generosity, and most important, community, we all just happen to like cigars and sharing the experience. Nice play to those who took care of jlada and showing him the way.
I love watching the light turn on.
Please pay it forward.

Screw that...just bomb the generous types with some mediocre sticks and wait for the added rewards. While you're at it, make sure you post about it publicly before they get it so everyone else knows you are a BOTL.

* sigh *

The best bombs are those that never receive press.
The best bombs are those that never receive press.

Reputation is everything around here, so for those without any, a public acknowledgment helps them out. Sure, some have ulterior motives, but not everyone does. I included extra smokes just in the hopes that he'd like them (they're nothing special). Enjoy the cigars, Jeff. :)
You know, I didn't want to post an introduction at first, because I didn't want to register, post an intro, figure out I didn't like the place, and then bolt. Seems too shady and cliche. Since then, I've figured out it's a community I definitely want to be a part of. I've since completely forgotten (my mistake) as the links on my desktop take me straight to the forums I primarily browse.

Intro coming soon.
You know, I didn't want to post an introduction at first, because I didn't want to register, post an intro, figure out I didn't like the place, and then bolt. Seems too shady and cliche. Since then, I've figured out it's a community I definitely want to be a part of. I've since completely forgotten (my mistake) as the links on my desktop take me straight to the forums I primarily browse.

Intro coming soon.


You know, I didn't want to post an introduction at first, because I didn't want to register, post an intro, figure out I didn't like the place, and then bolt. Seems too shady and cliche. Since then, I've figured out it's a community I definitely want to be a part of. I've since completely forgotten (my mistake) as the links on my desktop take me straight to the forums I primarily browse.

Intro coming soon.



I have desktop links that take me to: Lobby, BST, Hot Deals, Beer/Liquor, Lounge, and The Humidor. I have a pretty meanly fast computer (I'm a comp geek) so I often have about 5-6 browers open at once.
I have desktop links that take me to: Lobby, BST, Hot Deals, Beer/Liquor, Lounge, and The Humidor. I have a pretty meanly fast computer (I'm a comp geek) so I often have about 5-6 browers open at once.

Try 'tabs'!

By the way - to get back on track - nice one on the deals - noted! :thumbs:
Please pay it forward.

Screw that...just bomb the generous types with some mediocre sticks and wait for the added rewards. While you're at it, make sure you post about it publicly before they get it so everyone else knows you are a BOTL.

* sigh *

The best bombs are those that never receive press.

I'm with you, my friend.

When I split, I split fair and square for what was agreed to. It just feels right. A fair deal is an honest deal. Now in bombing and blind trades, all bets are off as far as I'm concerned. I can feel justified then in choosing a package at will with no expectations tied to content or return. Just as a senior member commented here on the integrity of equal puts and takes in passes, so too would I draw the analogy to trades and splits. It is not unworthy to send what was agreed to. Neither should it become an expectation that including extras is the measure of BOTLiness.

To think that there are truly altruistic acts, is naive.

Please pay it forward.

Screw that...just bomb the generous types with some mediocre sticks and wait for the added rewards. While you're at it, make sure you post about it publicly before they get it so everyone else knows you are a BOTL.

* sigh *

The best bombs are those that never receive press.

I'm with you, my friend.

When I split, I split fair and square for what was agreed to. It just feels right. A fair deal is an honest deal. Now in bombing and blind trades, all bets are off as far as I'm concerned. I can feel justified then in choosing a package at will with no expectations tied to content or return. Just as a senior member commented here on the integrity of equal puts and takes in passes, so too would I draw the analogy to trades and splits. It is not unworthy to send what was agreed to. Neither should it become an expectation that including extras is the measure of BOTLiness.

Damn Wilkey, does this mean I'm off your extras list :(

So.........you're saying that only trading with guys who send extras is wrong?

Well crap.
Reputation is everything around here..
..and it's most deserving when it's earned through consistency over time, both publicly and behind the scenes.

..so for those without any, a public acknowledgment helps them out.
It's always proper protocol to thank a sender once an item is received, either privately or publicly. In general, new members prefer the benefits of a public acknowlegement and senior members are satisfied with a PM.

The acknowledgement after the fact is different from my point of broadcasting one's intentions as a sender. Some sender's even choose to be anonymous. :0

Sure, some have ulterior motives, but not everyone does.
I agree, thankfully they are still in the vast minority here. I see some member's profiles document every bomb they've sent out and received ( including the recepient or sender ) - what's that all about?

My original post was pointed at no one in particular, but everyone in general. Just food for thought - and if it hits close to home for some, maybe they'll see some reward in a different perspective. ;)
Damn Wilkey, does this mean I'm off your extras list :(


No worries, Brian. You and a handful of other guys don't fall into my category of "typical traders." When people have a persistent and extended history of sharing various sticks, experiences, and even non-cigar stuff, then I don't think that's at all the same as random bombage or open splits.
