I'm not clear on the point you're trying to make. Would you mind just elaborating a little? This is my first pass on CP and I want to make sure I am understanding the mechanics and culture of the pass.
Here's the way I view passes ( especially passes with higher end sticks and lower member number players). Alot of newbie passers look on. So, If you take a $14 stick and put a $10 stick ... even if you're putting 2 extra... very very good sticks. It resembles quanity for quality. We constantly have to watch the board for the scumbags that come in and pray on our board and claim they don't understand the rules. If... even though it's petty to some of us in this pass, we condone it, then how can we make stands against the "real" shysters that often infiltrate our house?
That is why I hate to see a listed P&T where the take is valued higher than the put by over 2 bits.
I believe I see where you're coming from. Thanks for clarifying an important point.
So, one possible solution which maintains the same overall input/output might be to PUT the 1997/8 PL Lonsdale against the Sir Winston TAKE and then do a clean PUT of the RyJ 1999 Churchill?
This way, both sticks would still be in play to the next participant, as before. The differential in this case would be in the range of +$10 to +$15 in the HUSW(T)-PLL(P). Would that work?
I think it could be interpreted that 2 years of age in this case is not significant, especially as I think it is generally perceived that the Sir Winston is a "better" cigar. I've recently smoked 2001 SW against 1998 and 2000 RyJ Churchills and I find the SW in a different class.