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Tools to help you nub


Gettin' my nerd on, Hopp Schwiez!
Feb 20, 2008
I was wondering what people used to nub their cigars. I'm thinking about going to a medical bookstore and grab some hemostats. My fingers are just too chubby to not get burned as I nub it down and I've had things that were good enough to just let the fingers burn.

Editted to spell check. Only one missed word, woo hoo.
Toothpick, Drywall screw, piece of welding wire

I thought there was a nice tool included within Henry's Signature set, but my "google-ness" isn't that great this morning.
It is called the "Henry's Classic Cigar Nubber". Can be purchased as part of the Henry Tool Set, as discussed here, or separately.


I was given one of the "NUBBERS" by a most generous BOTL. It is very nice, works great.
I also use a toothpick, the trick is to remember to put it in before you really need to use it. If you wait to long it can be really difficult/impossible to get the nub on the toothpick.

I leave a few toothpicks in my Xicar cigar case. :D
I also use a toothpick, the trick is to remember to put it in before you really need to use it. If you wait to long it can be really difficult/impossible to get the nub on the toothpick.

I leave a few toothpicks in my Xicar cigar case. :D

Ha HA and to think Souldog laughed at me last Friday night when I offered him a toothpick from my Xicar case

Right on Tug!
I take out my pocket knife and jab it in the nub. at that point i know i wont be getting too much time out of it, so it doesnt really require any delicate handling...
Use the tips of the SAK cutter like a roach clip! Works good. :thumbs:
I admit that I am not a "nubber". I rarely if ever do this. To me even the best cigars get a little on the nasty side with about two inches to go.

So, I have no tools for nubbing.

The Xikar MTX tool has a toothpick like device on it, very handy indeed.
I admit that I am not a "nubber". I rarely if ever do this. To me even the best cigars get a little on the nasty side with about two inches to go.

So, I have no tools for nubbing.


Even though I keep a couple toothpicks on hand I very rarely nub a cigar. About half the time when I nub a cigar its just to see how low I can take it (I will only do this as long as the cigar still tastes good). The other half I find that the cigars last 2-2.5 inches are the tastiest part of the cigar. I probably nub 1 out of every 20 cigars.