Sunward, pray tell what you've seen there "with your own eyes" to make you say conditions are horrible???
I have been to Cuba, and travelled to villages, and Havanna (we hired a driver). We went to peoples private homes and saw how these ordinary people live.
Not having been to Havana, I can't comment on that. But the areas I've been to I saw a breed of proud, very polite people who, IMHO and as I've said here before, are happier with their lot than the average North American.
My sister has been there several times on mission trips, and she said average Joe is dirt poor, the economy sucks, living conditions are terrible. Other than that, it's pretty dang peachy, another example of communism failing miserably.
I am not a Communist nor do I believe in the Policies and I believe you can quote examples from all over the world that Communism WILL fail, no doubt.
However, when you talk of dirt poor, an economy that sucks and terrible living conditions, you have to understand what you compare it to.
Do you compare "Dirt Poor" to the familys of friends we have whose kids threw temper tantrums Christmas morning because they didn't get the latest & greatest iPod they asked Santa for? or the ones that didn't get the Wii they were promised?
Do you compare the "Economy that sucks" to ours where every 10 or 15% drop in the stock market causes suicides and general Stock Market mayhem?
Do you compare "Terrible Living Conditions" to the $400,000 house on my street that dwarfs and shodows my modest 1000 sq ft bungalow?
I've cited extreme examples, I admit, but understand, compare it.
Would I want to life as they do? No, I wouldn't. Would I want to be as proud, be as happy and family oriented as they are? God Damn right I would.
Do I support all of Castro's policies? Hell no, not in any way shape or form. But look honestly at some of the things he's done to try to improve parts of living in Cuba, like "Mandatory" Post-Secondary education and a Medical system that is at least making an attempt.
I have the utmost of respect for those who've left Cuba for "other worlds" and what they went through to get where they are now. I hope they don't feel anything against me for my views on Cuba. They didn't like it, they left, all the more power to them. However, I also respect those who love Cuba for what it is.
Do I think it'll change this year or next?? Yes, I believe we all believe it'll change in time. Whether it's for better or worse is to be seen and will still be anyone's opinion.