OK, saw he question on refilling a cigar oasis on a different thread, thought I'd post it here instead of a link back to CF.
All credit must go to HMS Richard over at CF. Resident expert in humidification of cigars.
Subject: Encore on polymers in the CigarOasis
From: HMS Richard
Date: 03/29/03 5:06 PM
Inroduction: Superabsorbent polymers, otherwise known as SAPs are materials that swel in water to form a clear gel made up of separate, individual particles. They are used in a vast array of applications from baby diapers to fiber optic cable, fire protection, etc. They have excellent potential as a cigar humidifying agent.
By popular demand (again) a copy and paste from CF - hope you find it useful, HMS Richard
Subject: Mixing superabsorbent polymers - again From: HMS Richard Date: 01/25/03 12:51 PM
By popular demand since searching the archives is a pain . . .
Where to buy: http://www.watersorb.com/mainstore.html
What size crystals do I buy: Medium for travel humidifiers, Large for the CigarOasis cartridge
Cost: $12 for 2 pounds - will last you forever
How do I mix: Add 1/2 cup of distilled water to 1 - 1 1/2 tablespoons of dry polymer nuggets.
Then what: Let sit in an open tupperware container overnight to achieve maximum absorbtion. 1- 2 hrs to reach functional state.
What about adding PG: Optional. May help retard mold but it also inhibits water absorbtion (me think). Recommend you try first with distilled water.
Tap Water: Recommend distilled for max absorbtion but tap can be used in a pinch
How to store surplus wetted polymes: Sealed tupperware or comparable container. Check once every few weeks for any signs of discoloration. Discard and replace if necessary with a new batch. I have not had this problem so far. Wash your hands before handling polymers as to avoid contamination.
Best application: travel humidifiers, e.g. Humiditubes in lieu of sponges, silica gel, and florist foam. And as a replacement for the factory-supplied florist foam in your CigarOasis cartridge. You will never have to buy a replacement CO cartridge again. Best, polymers really do shine in the CO cartridge.
Fill the cartridge only half way with wetted polymers. Check every few weeks to see if they have shrunk in size appreciably. If so, re-wet with an ample supply of distilled H2O. Squirt bottle works best. Check for any discoloration.
Not to do: Wetter polymers should not come in contact with certain metals such as brass. They will discolor.
A further word on polymer use with Humiditubes: After the overnight hydration, discard the excess run-off. The fully hydrated polymers should fill the entire length of the Humiditube. Discard any overflow (and there will be). Avoid over-packing.
HMS Richard - Cigar Consultant to the Stars
You can remove the lid from the oasis cart if you carefully pry it up. When closing just put back in place and seal with black tape.
All credit must go to HMS Richard over at CF. Resident expert in humidification of cigars.
Subject: Encore on polymers in the CigarOasis
From: HMS Richard
Date: 03/29/03 5:06 PM
Inroduction: Superabsorbent polymers, otherwise known as SAPs are materials that swel in water to form a clear gel made up of separate, individual particles. They are used in a vast array of applications from baby diapers to fiber optic cable, fire protection, etc. They have excellent potential as a cigar humidifying agent.
By popular demand (again) a copy and paste from CF - hope you find it useful, HMS Richard
Subject: Mixing superabsorbent polymers - again From: HMS Richard Date: 01/25/03 12:51 PM
By popular demand since searching the archives is a pain . . .
Where to buy: http://www.watersorb.com/mainstore.html
What size crystals do I buy: Medium for travel humidifiers, Large for the CigarOasis cartridge
Cost: $12 for 2 pounds - will last you forever
How do I mix: Add 1/2 cup of distilled water to 1 - 1 1/2 tablespoons of dry polymer nuggets.
Then what: Let sit in an open tupperware container overnight to achieve maximum absorbtion. 1- 2 hrs to reach functional state.
What about adding PG: Optional. May help retard mold but it also inhibits water absorbtion (me think). Recommend you try first with distilled water.
Tap Water: Recommend distilled for max absorbtion but tap can be used in a pinch
How to store surplus wetted polymes: Sealed tupperware or comparable container. Check once every few weeks for any signs of discoloration. Discard and replace if necessary with a new batch. I have not had this problem so far. Wash your hands before handling polymers as to avoid contamination.
Best application: travel humidifiers, e.g. Humiditubes in lieu of sponges, silica gel, and florist foam. And as a replacement for the factory-supplied florist foam in your CigarOasis cartridge. You will never have to buy a replacement CO cartridge again. Best, polymers really do shine in the CO cartridge.
Fill the cartridge only half way with wetted polymers. Check every few weeks to see if they have shrunk in size appreciably. If so, re-wet with an ample supply of distilled H2O. Squirt bottle works best. Check for any discoloration.
Not to do: Wetter polymers should not come in contact with certain metals such as brass. They will discolor.
A further word on polymer use with Humiditubes: After the overnight hydration, discard the excess run-off. The fully hydrated polymers should fill the entire length of the Humiditube. Discard any overflow (and there will be). Avoid over-packing.
HMS Richard - Cigar Consultant to the Stars
You can remove the lid from the oasis cart if you carefully pry it up. When closing just put back in place and seal with black tape.