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What Would Happen If....


Jun 26, 2007
This has been a chat topic of discussion for quite some time. What would happen to your cigars if you...weren't around to smoke them? This is simply a topic that cannot wait any longer.

There are two trusted members here, that I have selected to contact my family after my demise. They are to send detailed instructions, water pillows/bead tubes, a sizable empty box, and a prepaid shipping label to my residence. I expect my family (or someone) would honor my wish for my cigars to be sent away, and distributed amongst selected members in a Death Pass.

The rules for such a pass would be pretty loose, since there's no home to which the cigars will return.

What are you plans for your cigars? Would you family know what to do with them? Are they written into your will?

Think about it, and share with us. :thumbs:
I'd want all of my cigars to be thrown on my funeral pyre. A long with brittany spears, preferably still alive.

the first part is completely serious, I want to be cremated, and tossing the cigars in there would be a nice touch. The second part is wishful thinking.
I've been in for the death pass since I first heard it discussed in chat. I just need to make the instructions and necessary preparations. :thumbs:
FROCK everyone. Im taking me entire collection to my grave! Might need an extra casket!!
I've been in for the death pass since I first heard it discussed in chat. I just need to make the instructions and necessary preparations. :thumbs:
Can we get some suggestions for how to make those preparations?

Thanks :thumbs:
My wife would bring my cooler to Al's on Thursday night and hand it over to the gang (with instruction to gift nothing to sinnyc who refused to change that p.o.s. avatar). :)
My wife will most likely trade them jewelry or clothes...... The Death Pass seem like a better alternative.
It's a serious question that my wife and I have discussed. My stash gets boxed and sent to OpFTH. Really.
It's a serious question that my wife and I have discussed. My stash gets boxed and sent to OpFTH. Really.

That's a great f'n idea. Half of my cooler would go to OpFTH (or davela's nephew were I to die a really untimely death). The other half to the MN crew (except sinnyc, see earlier post).
One of my buddies would save my sticks/maintain my humis and coolers for when my son gets older. He can do what he wants with em then.
My wife and I have discussed this as well, and there is a list of people that would get to divide my stash.
My wife would bring my cooler to Al's on Thursday night and hand it over to the gang (with instruction to gift nothing to sinnyc who refused to change that p.o.s. avatar). :)

Sweet! My avatar is going to out-live Mick!
I'm in on the Death Pass, so by rule, my cigars go the same route.

Tom is right. This is a fundamental aspect of the Death Pass. I can amend my rules, cuz I'm still alive. :cool: If you're going to be picking through my cigars after I die... you'd better be willing to have the same thing happen to yours. And such is the circle of life... or death...
I've been in for the death pass since I first heard it discussed in chat. I just need to make the instructions and necessary preparations. :thumbs:
Can we get some suggestions for how to make those preparations?

Thanks :thumbs:

You DO realize you just quoted YOURSELF, right? ???

At any rate, my preparations are as follows for the Death Pass:

A.) If I die in a hail of gunfire on the job, then 42 receives my stash and divides it up as he sees fit. Seanholio gets half the sharks.

B.) If I die in an earthquake, BSneed51 gets my stash, but has to send all of the Padron stash to Nullsmurf.

C.) If I die of natural causes, then Napa_Smokes gets my stash to do with as he seems fit. Because Napa_Smokes is an everloving cigar snob, he will probably toss out most of my Opus and PAMs claiming they are dog rockets, and bomb the rest.

Thus are my demands for the Death Pass. But since 42 just quoted himself...I may be rethinking this strategy. Can't trust a guy who looks like Jesus AND quotes himself these day.... :whistling:

My real name is Woodrow Wilson Smith. Does that answer your question?