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El Titan de Bronze


El Martillo (My Boxing Name)
Oct 27, 2003
So this review has been sittin' around for a couple of weeks or so, and now that I'm back in town - albeit briefly - thought I'd finally sit my ass down to post it.

As always, the specs:

El Titan de Bronze
Gran Reserva
Trumpet/Torpedo, pigtail-type cap
(roughly) a 48/54 x 6.5

Filler: "Santo Domingo Cuban Seed, Nicaragua"
Binder: Ecuador
Wrapper: Brazillian Aged Wrapper (Maduro)

El Titan de Bronze is an outstanding little shop deep in the heart of Little Havana. I pass by it frequently when I am down there, and always pick up a few/several sticks. This one in particular is a shop special and looks like this:





Holding this baby, it feels fantastic. Great shape, great firmness, some damn fine expertise went into this beauty, which is rolled right in the shop then laid to rest for a while before being put back out. Pinch the cap, pre-light draw is smooth as can be. Before toasting this baby, time to further enhance the experience:



Continued below....
Can't forget to set the mood further with some exquisite tunes...





and for good measure,


Now, toast, light, draw....damn! Bountiful smoke like you cannot imagine. First tastes are of deep earth, forest, with wood and hints of leather. But the truly overriding taste is that so-called "barnyard" taste of which we are so familiar. Volumes and volumes of smoke still result from the sacrificing of this beauty, and it begins to hold a gorgeous white ash.




Continued further...
It's one of those moments when everything comes together...the smoke, the drink, the environment, the music, the gorgeous day, the fresh air, with hints of lovingly-rolled tobacco smoke lingering...outstanding, simply outstanding. The taste of this baby picks up a little, yielding a bit of spice and some cinnamon notes, but the woodiness and earthiness never falter. It was, in a word, intoxicating, in every sense. My faithful, steadfast smoking partner drifted off to sleep, in a bit of sun-dazed laziness, as Coleman Hawkins worked his majesty...


Knocked the first ash off long before it would have fallen - a habit of mine now since I previously nearly-ignited my smoking buddy with a fallen ash -



- and then leaned back, grew weary of photo-documenting this event, and then just delighted in what remained of the smoke, the drink and the entire experience.

Gents, this is a local, shamefully slept-upon, smoke. I understand that you can order on line from them now, and are even able to order singles on-line. I strongly encourage you to do so. Give it some down-time in the humi too, and it will make the experience that more amazing. It claims to be the fullest-bodied smoke in their line and, while not as strong as they claim it to be, is firmly in the medium-bodied to upper-medium bodied category. If that is your cup of tea, then you can do far worse than this smoke.
If I'm not mistaken, they make Avalon Cigars as well. This has been on my to try list because they look fantastic, but just haven't done so for whatever reason.
Nice review MiamiC...
My brother and I visited the shop last spring. It's right up and across the street from El Rey de Los Habanos... Pepins factory.
Stop in sometime if in Miami, they are nice folks there for sure.
You might consider instructing a class on cigar reviews. Thoroughly a pleasure. Thank you.
Excellent! Makes me want a box of them.

And oh how I miss Miami! Born-n-raised there many moons ago but left there in 1972...... :(

Great review MC. I'm definitely going to pick some of these up in a few weeks when I'm down in miami.
Nice! I miss Miami's Lil' Havana! I used to visit Gael of La Luna Cigars. Ever see him around?

Thanks again!
Always a pleasure to read these reviews. Being an avid golfer I always looks for that golf course in the background and than calculate how long until spring gets here in the northeast. Thanks MC. Great review and pictures as well. :thumbs:
Great review, and an awsome little view you have there.

BTW, that is a really cool looking ashtray.